285.902—What are the general requirements for decommissioning for facilities authorized under my SAP, COP, or GAP?
Except as otherwise authorized by MMS under § 285.909, within 2 years following termination of a lease or grant, you must:
Remove or decommission all facilities, projects, cables, pipelines, and obstructions;
Clear the seafloor of all obstructions created by activities on your lease, including your project easement, or grant, as required by the MMS.
Before decommissioning the facilities under your SAP, COP, or GAP, you must submit a decommissioning application and receive approval from the MMS.
The approval of the decommissioning concept in the SAP, COP, or GAP is not an approval of a decommissioning application. However, you may submit your complete decommissioning application simultaneously with the SAP, COP, or GAP so that it may undergo appropriate technical and regulatory reviews at that time.
Following approval of your decommissioning application, you must submit a decommissioning notice under § 285.908 to MMS at least 60 days before commencing decommissioning activities.
If you, your subcontractors, or any agent acting on your behalf discover any archaeological resource while conducting decommissioning activities, you must immediately halt bottom-disturbing activities within 1,000 feet of the discovery and report the discovery to us within 72 hours. We will inform you how to conduct investigations to determine if the resource is significant and how to protect it. You, your subcontractors, or any agent acting on your behalf must keep the location of the discovery confidential and must not take any action that may adversely affect the archaeological resource until we have made an evaluation and told you how to proceed.
Provide MMS with documentation of any coordination efforts you have made with the affected States, local, and tribal governments.