254.3—May I cover more than one facility in my response plan?
Your response plan may be for a single lease or facility or a group of leases or facilities. All the leases or facilities in your plan must have the same owner or operator (including affiliates) and must be located in the same MMS Region (see definition of Regional Response Plan in § 254.6 ).
Regional Response Plans must address all the elements required for a response plan in Subpart B, Oil Spill Response Plans for Outer Continental Shelf Facilities, or Subpart D, Oil Spill Response Requirements for Facilities Located in State Waters Seaward of the Coast Line, as appropriate.
When developing a Regional Response Plan, you may group leases or facilities subject to the approval of the Regional Supervisor for the purposes of:
Calculating response times;
Determining quantities of response equipment;
Conducting oil-spill trajectory analyses;
Determining worst case discharge scenarios; and
Identifying areas of special economic and environmental importance that may be impacted and the strategies for their protection.
The Regional Supervisor may specify how to address the elements of a Regional Response Plan. The Regional Supervisor also may require that Regional Response Plans contain additional information if necessary for compliance with appropriate laws and regulations.