(a) In general.
The estimation, determination, declaration, and payment of premiums shall be made in accordance with the premium instructions on the PBGC's Web site (http://www.pbgc.gov ). Subject to the provisions of § 4007.13, the plan administrator of each covered plan is responsible for filing prescribed premium information and payments. No later than the applicable due date(s) specified in this part, a plan's required premium payment(s) and related information, certified as provided in the premium instructions, must be filed in the manner and format prescribed in the instructions.
(b) Electronic filing.
Information must be filed electronically except to the extent that the PBGC grants an exemption for good cause in appropriate circumstances. The requirement to file electronically applies to filings for plan years beginning in 2006 that are made on or after July 1, 2006, for plans with 500 or more participants for the prior plan year and to filings for all plans for plan years beginning after 2006. (The requirement to file electronically applies to all estimated and final flat-rate and variable-rate premium filings (including amended filings) but does not apply to information filed to comply with a PBGC request under (4007.10(c) (dealing with providing record information in connection with a premium compliance review).) Unless an exemption applies, filing on paper or in any other manner other than by a prescribed electronic filing method does not satisfy the requirement to file. Failure to file electronically as required is subject to penalty under ERISA section 4071.
Code of Federal Regulations
[71 FR 31081, June 1, 2006, as amended at 72 FR 71229, Dec. 17, 2007; 73 FR 15076, Mar. 21, 2008]