An accredited person shall maintain records of all work performed under subparts D and E of this part.
An accredited person shall maintain a continuous record of the status of the certification of each vessel issued a register by such person.
The records required in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section shall be available for examination by the Assistant Secretary.
When annual or quadrennial tests, inspections, examinations, or heat treatments are performed by an accredited person, other than the person who originally issued the vessel's register, such accredited person shall furnishcopies of any certificates issued and information as to register entries to the person originally issuing the register.
An accredited person shall inform the nearest local office of the Administration whenever a vessel is initially certificated under these regulations and a register in the prescribed form has been issued.
A copy of each certificate relating to unit tests or thorough examinations, except those issued by the manufacturer and those issued by accredited persons outside of the United States, shall be sent to the nearest local office of the Administration within 10 days after issuance. Such records shall form a part of the Administration's file on the accredited person.
An accredited person shall promptly notify the nearest local office of the Administration with respect to any changes in technical personnel, in fee schedules in geographical areas in which operations are conducted, or other pertinent substantial changes in its organization or operations.
Code of Federal Regulations
Effective Date Note:
At 76 FR 33610, June 8, 2011, § 1919.11 was amended by revising paragraph (d), effective July 8, 2011. For the convenience of the user, the revised text is set forth as follows:
§ 1919.11
Recordkeeping and related procedures concerning records in custody of accredited persons.
(d) When annual or quinquennial tests, inspections, examinations, or heat treatments are performed by an accredited person, other than the person who originally issued the vessel's register, such accredited person shall furnish copies of any certificates issued and information as to register entries to the person originally issuing the register.