700.11—Request for access to records.
(a) Procedure for making requests for access to records.
An individual may request access to a record about him by appearing in person or by writing the Office. A requester in need of guidance in defining his request may write to the FOIA/PA Officer, Office of Independent Counsel, suite 701 West, 555 Thirteenth Street, NW., Washington, DC 20004. Both the envelope and the request itself should be marked: “Privacy Act Request.”
(b) Description of records sought.
A request for access to records must describe the records sought in sufficient detail to enable Office personnel to locate the system of records containing the record with a reasonable amount of effort. Whenever possible, a request for access should describe the nature of the records sought, the date of the record or the period in which the record was compiled, and the name or identifying number of the system of records in which the requester believes the record is kept.
(c) Agreement to pay fees.
The filing of a request for access to a record under this subpart shall be deemed to constitute an agreement to pay all applicable fees charged under § 700.17 up to $25.00. The Office shall confirm this agreement in its letter of acknowledgment to the requesters. When filing a request, a requester may specify a willingness to pay a greater amount, if applicable.
(d) Verification of identity.
Any individual who submits a request for access to records must verify his identity in one of the following ways, unless the notice published in the Federal Register describing the relevant system of records provides otherwise.
Any requester making a request in writing must state in his request his full name, current address, and date and place of birth. In addition, a requester must provide with his request an example of his signature, which shall be notarized. In order to facilitate the identification and location of the requested records, a requester may also, at his option, include in his request his Social Security number.
Any requester submitting a request in person may provide to the Office a form of Official photographic identification, such as a passport or an identification badge. If a requester is unable to produce a form of photographic identification, he may provide to the Office two or more acceptable forms of identification (such as a driver's license or credit card) bearing his name and address.
(e) Verification of guardianship.
The parent or guardian of a minor (or the guardian of a person judicially determined to be incompetent) who submits a request for access to the records of the minor or incompetent must establish:
His own identity and the identity of the subject of the record, as required in paragraph (d) of this section,
That he is the parent or guardian of the subject of the record, which may be proved by providing a copy of the subject's birth certificate showing parentage or by providing a court order establishing the guardianship, and
That he seeks to act on behalf of the subject of the record.