(a) Name.
The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Fair Play.”
(b) Approved maps.
The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Fair Play viticultural area are three United States Geological Survey (U.S.G.S.) topographic maps (7.5 minute series; quadrangles). They are titled:
Omo Ranch, California, 1952 (photorevised 1973);
Aukum, California, 1952 (photorevised 1973);
Camino, California, 1952 (photorevised 1973).
(c) Boundaries.
The Fair Play viticultural area is located in El Dorado County, California and is located entirely within the existing Sierra Foothills and El Dorado viticultural areas. The boundary for Fair Play is as follows:
The beginning point of the boundary is the intersection of the Middle Fork of the Cosumnes River and the U.S.G.S. map section line between Sections 26 and 27, T. 9 N., R. 11 E. (“Aukum” Quadrangle);
From the beginning point, the boundary follows northeast along the Middle Fork of the Cosumnes River until it meets an unnamed medium-duty road (Mt. Aukum Road or El Dorado County Road E-16) just as it crosses onto the “Camino” Quadrangle map;
The boundary continues then northeast along Mt. Aukum Road to its intersection with Grizzly Flat Road at the town of Somerset (“Camino” Quadrangle);
The boundary continues east along Grizzly Flat Road to its intersection with the 2200” contour line.
The boundary continues along the 2200” contour line north and then east until it intersects with the U.S.G.S. map section line between Sections 9 and 10, T. 9 N., R. 12 E. (“Camino” Quadrangle):
The boundary then proceeds south along the U.S.G.S. map section line between Sections 9 and 10, T. 9 N., R. 12 E., to its intersection with the Middle Fork of the Cosumnes River (“Aukum” Quadrangle);
The boundary then follows along the Middle Fork of the Cosumnes River in a southeasterly direction onto the “Omo” Quadrangle map and continues until it meets the range line between R. 12 E. and R. 13 E. (“Aukum” Quadrangle and “Omo Ranch” Quadrangle);
The boundary then follows south along the range line between R. 12 E. and R. 13 E. to its intersection with an unnamed medium-duty road in T. 8 N. (Omo Ranch Road) (“Omo Ranch” Quadrangle);
The boundary then continues west in a straight line approximately 0.3 miles to the point where Cedar Creek intersects with the 3200-foot contour line, within Section 1, T. 8 N.,R. 12 E. (“Omo Ranch” Quadrangle);
The boundary follows along Cedar Creek west and then southwest until it empties into Scott Creek (“Aukum” Quadrangle);
The boundary then proceeds west along Scott Creek until it empties into the South Fork of the Cosumnes River (“Aukum” Quadrangle);
The boundary continues west along the South Fork of the Cosumnes River to its intersection with the U.S.G.S. map section line between Sections 14 and 15, T. 8 N., R. 11 E. (“Aukum” Quadrangle); and
Finally, the boundary follows north along the section line back to its intersection with the Middle Fork of the Cosumnes River, the point of the beginning. (“Aukum” Quadrangle).
Code of Federal Regulations
[T.D. ATF-440, 66 FR 11539, Feb. 26, 2001]