When any merchandise has been detained under the provisions of § 28.265, the district director of customs shall not release such merchandise until he is advised so to do by the appropriate TTB officer.
Code of Federal Regulations
(72 Stat. 1334, 1335, 1336, 1362, 1380;
26 U.S.C. 5053, 5055, 5062, 5214, 5362
Code of Federal Regulations
[25 FR 5734, June 23, 1960, as amended by T.D. 7006, 34 FR 2251, Feb. 15, 1969. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975 and amended by T.D. TTB-8, 69 FR 3834, Jan. 27, 2004]