In preparing still wine for the production of sparkling wine or artificially carbonated wine, sugar and acid of the kinds and within the limitations prescribed in § 24.182 may be added with yeast or yeast culture to acclimate the yeast and to facilitate the process of secondary fermentation or to correct the wine. Fruit syrup, sugar, wine, wine spirits, and acid may be used in preparing a finishing dosage for sparkling wine or artificially carbonated wine provided the dosage does not exceed 10 percent by volume of the finished product. Where the proprietor desires to use more than 10 percent by volume finishing dosage, the proprietor shall file for a formula approval under § 24.80. The fruit syrup, wine spirits and wine used will come from the same kind of fruit as the wine from which the sparkling wine or artificially carbonated wine is made. In the production of sparkling wine or artificially carbonated wine, taxpaid wine spirits or wine spirits withdrawn tax-free may be used. Tax-free wine spirits may only be used in the production of sparkling wine or artificially carbonated wine which is a natural wine. In the refermentation and finishing of a sparkling wine, the acids and materials specifically authorized in § 24.246 may be used. ( Sec. 201, Pub. L. 85-859, 72 Stat. 1383, as amended (26 U.S.C. 5382 ))
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1512-0059)