(1) Taxable investment income | $30,000 |
(2) Statutory underwriting income | 15,000 |
(3) Subtractions from protection against loss account | 3,000 |
(4) Total income items | 48,000 |
(5) Investment loss | 0 |
(6) Statutory underwriting loss | 0 |
(7) Unused loss deduction | 0 |
(8) Total loss items | 0 |
(9) Mutual insurance company taxable income (item (4) minus item (8)) | 48,000 |
Code of Federal Regulations
(1) Mutual insurance company taxable income as computed in item (a)(9) | $48,000 |
(2) Normal tax; 30 percent of mutual insurance company taxable income | 14,400 |
(3) Surtax exemption | 25,000 |
(4) Mutual insurance company taxable income subject to the surtax (item (1) minus item (3)) | 23,000 |
(5) Surtax: 22 percent of mutual insurance company taxable income subject to the surtax | 5,060 |
(6) Total tax (item (2) plus item (5)) | 19,460 |
(1) Mutual insurance company taxable income | $11,000 |
(2) Mutual insurance company taxable income in excess of $6,000 ($11,000 minus $6,000) | 5,000 |
(3) 30 percent of item (1) | 3,800 |
(4) 60 percent of item (2) | 3,000 |
(5) Normal tax (lesser of items (3) or (4)) | 3,000 |
(6) Surtax exemption | 25,000 |
(1) Mutual insurance company taxable income as computed in example (1) | $48,000 |
(2) Normal tax: 22 percent of mutual insurance company taxable income for normal tax purposes | 10,560 |
(3) Surtax exemption provided by section 11(d) | 25,000 |
(4) Mutual insurance company taxable income subject to the surtax (item (1) minus item (3)) | 23,000 |
(5) Surtax: at rates provided in section 11(c): 26 percent of mutual insurance company taxable income subject to the surtax | 5,980 |
(6) Total tax (item (2) plus item (5)) | 16,540 |
(1) Taxable investment income as computed under section 822 | $35,000 |
(2) 30 percent of taxable investment income | 10,500 |
(3) 60 percent of taxable investment income in excess of $3,000 | 19,200 |
(4) Normal tax (lesser of items (2) or (3)) | 10,500 |
(5) Partially tax-exempt interest deducted in computing taxable investment income | 2,000 |
(6) Taxable investment income for purposes of the surtax (item (1) plus item (5)) | 37,000 |
(7) Surtax exemption | 25,000 |
(8) Taxable investment income subject to surtax (item (6) minus item (7)) | 12,000 |
(9) Surtax (22 percent of item (8)) | 2,640 |
(10) Total tax liability (item (4) plus item (9)) | 13,140 |
(1) Taxable investment income as computed under section 822 | $24,000 |
(2) 30 percent of taxable investment income | 7,200 |
(3) 60 percent of taxable investment income in excess of $3,000 | 12,600 |
(4) Normal tax (lesser of items (2) or (3)) | 7,200 |
(5) Partially tax-exempt interest deducted in computing taxable investment income | 2,000 |
(6) Taxable investment income for purposes of the surtax (item (1) plus item (5)) | 26,000 |
(7) Surtax exemption | 25,000 |
(8) Taxable investment income subject to surtax (item (6) minus item (7)) | 1,000 |
(9) Surtax 22 percent of item (8) | 220 |
(10) Tax liability computed without regard to special reduction (item (4) plus item (9)) | 7,420 |
(11) Amount by which gross receipts exceed $150,000 ($210,000 gross receipts minus $150,000) | 60,000 |
(12) Percentage which item (1) bears to $100,000 ($60,000 over $100,000) | 0.60 |
(13) Tax as adjusted (percentage determined in item (12) applied to item (10)) | 4,452 |