Question 1: For purposes of section 706(d), how is an otherwise deductible amount that is deferred under section 267(a)(2) treated?
Answer 1: In the year the deduction is allowed, the deduction will constitute an allocable cash basis item under section 706(d)(2)(B)(iv).
Code of Federal Regulations
(Secs. 267(f)(2)(B), 706(d)(2)(B)(iv), 1502, and 7805, Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (98 Stat. 704,
26 U.S.C. 267
; 98 Stat. 589,
26 U.S.C. 706
; 68A Stat. 367,
26 U.S.C. 1502
; 68A Stat. 917,
26 U.S.C. 7805
Code of Federal Regulations
[T.D. 7991, 49 FR 47001, Nov. 30, 1984]