Construction contract means a fixed-price or cost-reimbursement self-determination contract for a construction project, except that such term does not include any contract:
That is limited to providing planning services and construction management services (or a combination of such services);
For the Housing Improvement Program or roads maintenance program of the Bureau of Indian Affairs administered by the Secretary of the Interior; or
For the health facility maintenance and improvement program administered by the Secretary of Health and Human Services.
Construction management services (CMS) means activities limited to administrative support services; coordination; and monitoring oversight of the planning, design, and construction process. An Indian tribe or tribal organization's employee or construction management services consultant (typically an engineer or architect) performs such activities as:
Coordination and information exchange between the Indian tribe or tribal organization and the Federal government;
Preparation of Indian tribe or tribal organization's construction contract proposals;
Indian tribe or tribal organization subcontract scope of work identification and subcontract preparation, and competitive selection of Indian tribe or tribal organization construction contract subcontractors (see § 900.110 );
Review of work to ensure compliance with the POR and/or the construction contract. This does not involve construction project management as defined in paragraph (d) of this section.
Construction programs include programs for the planning, design, construction, repair, improvement, and expansion of buildings or facilities, including but not limited to, housing, law enforcement and detention facilities, sanitation and water systems, roads, schools, administration and health facilities, irrigation and agricultural work, water conservation, flood control, and port facilities, and environmental, archeological, cultural resource, historic preservation, and conduct of similar assessments.
Construction project management means direct responsibility for the construction project through day-to-day on-site management and administration of the project. Activities may include cost management, project budgeting, project scheduling, procurement services.
Design means services performed by licensed design professionals related to preparing drawings, specifications, and other design submissions specified in the contract, as well as services provided by or for licensed design professionals during the bidding/negotiating, construction, and operational phases of the project.
Planning services means activities undertaken to support agency and/or Congressional funding of a construction project. Planning services may include performing a needs assessment, completing and/or verifying master plans, developing justification documents, conducting pre-design site investigations, developing budget cost estimates, conducting feasibility studies as needed and completion of approved justification documents and a program of requirements (POR) for the project.
Program of Requirements (POR) is a planning document developed during the planning phase for an individual project. It provides background about the project; site information; programmatic needs; and, for facilities projects, a detailed room-by-room listing of spaces, including net and gross sizes, finish materials to be used, furnishings and equipment, and other information and design criteria on which to base the construction project documents.
Scope of work means the description of the work to be provided through a contract issued under this subpart and the methods and processes to be used to accomplish that work. A scope of work is typically developed based on criteria provided in a POR during the design phase, and project construction documents (plans and specifications) during the construction phase.