559.5—What must a tribe submit to the Chairman with the copy of each facility license that has been issued or renewed?
A tribe shall submit to the Chairman with each facility license an attestation certifying that by issuing the facility license:
The tribe has identified and enforces the environment and public health and safety laws, resolutions, codes, policies, standards or procedures applicable to its gaming operation;
The tribe is in compliance with those laws, resolutions, codes, policies, standards, or procedures, or, if not in compliance with any or all of the same, the tribe will identify those with which it is not in compliance, and will adopt and submit its written plan for the specific action it will take, within a period not to exceed six months, required for compliance. At the successful completion of such written plan, or at the expiration of the period allowed for its completion, the tribe shall report the status thereof to the Commission. In the event that the tribe estimates that action for compliance will exceed six months, the Chairman must concur in such an extension of the time period, otherwise the tribe will be deemed noncompliant. The Chairman will take into consideration the consequences on the environment and the public health and safety, as well as mitigating measures the tribe may provide in the interim, in his or her consideration of requests for such an extension of the time period.
The tribe is ensuring that the construction and maintenance of the gaming facility, and the operation of that gaming is conducted in a manner which adequately protects the environment and the public health and safety.
A document listing all laws, resolutions, codes, policies, standards or procedures identified by the tribe as applicable to its gaming facilities, other than Federal laws, in the following areas:
Emergency preparedness, including but not limited to fire suppression, law enforcement, and security;
Food and potable water;
Construction and maintenance;
Sanitation (both solid waste and wastewater); and
Other environmental or public health and safety laws, resolutions, codes, policies, standards or procedures adopted by the tribe in light of climate, geography, and other local conditions and applicable to its gaming places, facilities, or locations.
After the first submission of a document under paragraph (b) of this section, upon reissuing a license to an existing gaming place, facility, or location, and in lieu of complying with paragraph (b) of this section, a tribe may certify to the Chairman that it has not substantially modified its laws protecting the environment and public health and safety.