The general requirements for grant administration in this section are applicable to all grants provided under this subpart to the Navajo Community College.
Services or assistance provided to Indians by the College with the financial assistance provided under this subpart shall be provided in a fair and uniform manner, and admission to the College shall not be denied any Indian student because such individual is not a member of a specific Indian tribe or because such individual is a member of a specific Indian tribe.
Except as may be otherwise provided in this subpart, the College shall comply with part 276 of this title, subject to express waiver of specific inappropriate provisions of part 276 that may be granted, after request and justification by the College by the Assistant Secretary.
In addition to any other right the college may have under this subpart, the College shall have the right to appeal any adverse decision of the Director of Education under a grant agreement to the Assistant Secretary by filing written notice of appeal with the Assistant Secretary within thirty (30) days of the adverse decision. Within thirty (30) days after receiving notice of appeal, the Assistant Secretary shall conduct a formal hearing at which time the College may present evidence and argument to support its appeal. Within thirty (30) days of the hearing, the Assistant Secretary shall issue a written ruling on the appeal confirming, modifying or reversing the decision of the Director of Education. In the case of a ruling not reversing the Director of Education's decision, the Assistant Secretary shall state in detail the basis for his/her ruling. The ruling of the Assistant Secretary on an appeal shall be final for the Department of the Interior.