273.16—Powers and duties of Indian Education Committee.
Consistent with the purpose of the Indian Education Committee, each such Committee shall be vested with the authority to:
Participate fully in the planning, development, implementation, and evaluation of all programs, including both supplemental and operational support, conducted under a contract or contracts pursuant to this part. Such participation shall include further authority to:
Recommend curricula, including texts, materials, and teaching methods to be used in the contracted program or programs.
Approve budget preparation and execution.
Recommend criteria for employment in the program.
Nominate a reasonable number of qualified prospective educational programmatic staff members from which the contractor would be required to select.
Evaluate staff performance and program results and recommend appropriate action to the contractor.
Approve and disapprove all programs to be contracted under this part. All programs contracted pursuant to this part shall require the prior approval of the appropriate Indian Education Committee.
Secure a copy of the negotiated contract(s) which include the program(s) approved by the Indian Education Committee.
Recommend to the Commissioner through the appropriate Bureau contracting officer cancellation or suspension of a contract(s) which contains the program(s) approved by the Indian Education Committee if the contractor fails to permit such Committee to exercise its powers and duties as specified by this section.
The organizational papers and by-laws of the Indian Education Committee may include additional powers and duties which would permit the Committee to:
Participate in negotiations concerning all contracts under this part.
Make an annual assessment of the learning needs of Indian children in the community affected.
Have access to all reports, evaluations, surveys, and other program and budget related documents determined necessary by the Committee to carry out its responsibilities, subject only to the provisions of § 273.49.
Request periodic reports and evaluations regarding the Indian education program.
Hear grievances related to programs in the education plan.
Meet regularly with the professional staff serving Indian children and with the local education agency.
Hold committee meetings on a regular basis which are open to the public.
Have such additional powers as are consistent with these regulations.