The information collection requirements contained in this part have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget under 44 U.S.C. et seq. and assigned clearance number 1076-0161. This information collection is specifically found in subparts C and D of this part and represent a total reporting burden to the public of 31,470 hours or an average of 56.5 hours per respondent. A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and you are not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Comments and suggestions on the burden estimate or any other aspect of the form should be sent directly to the Office of Management and Budget; Attention: Interior Desk Officer; Washington, DC 20503; and a copy of the comments should be sent to the Information Collection Clearance Officer, Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1849 C Street, NW., Washington, DC 20240.