BIA or the tribe must solicit public involvement. If there are no tribal policies regarding public involvement, a tribe must use the procedures shown below. Public involvement begins at the same time long-range transportation planning begins and covers the range of users, from stakeholders and private citizens to major public and private entities. Public involvement may be handled in either of the following two ways:
For public meetings, BIA or a tribe must:
Advertise each public meeting in local public newspapers at least 15 days before the meeting date. In the absence of local public newspapers, BIA or the tribe may post notices under local acceptable practices;
Provide at the meeting copies of the draft long-range transportation plan;
Provide information on funding and the planning process; and
Provide the public the opportunity to comment, either orally or in writing.
For public notices, BIA or a tribe must:
Publish a notice in the local and tribal newspapers when the draft long-range transportation plan is complete. In the absence of local public newspapers, BIA or the tribe may post notices under local acceptable practices; and
State in the notice that the long-range transportation plan is available for review, where a copy can be obtained, whom to contact for questions, where comments may be submitted, and the deadline for submitting comments (normally 30 days).