170.166—What services do Indian LTAP centers provide?
Indian LTAP centers provide transportation technology transfer services, including education, training, technical assistance and related support services to tribal governments and IRR Program participants. Indian LTAPs will:
Develop and expand tribal expertise in road and transportation areas;
Improve IRR Program performance;
Enhance tribal transportation planning, project selection, transit and freight programs;
Develop transportation training and technical resource materials and present workshops;
Improve tribal tourism and recreational travel programs;
Help tribes deal more effectively with transportation-related problems by developing and sharing tribal transportation technology and traffic safety systems and information with other transportation agencies;
Operate Indian technical centers in cooperation with State transportation departments and universities;
Provide technical assistance on transportation technology and enhance new technology implementation in cooperation with the private sector;
Develop educational programs to encourage and motivate interest in transportation careers among Native American students; and
Act as information clearinghouses for tribal governments and Indian-owned businesses on transportation-related topics.
Unless otherwise stated in an Indian LTAP agreement, an Indian technical assistance program center must, at a minimum:
Maintain a current mailing list including, at a minimum, each tribe and IRR Program participant within the service area;
Publish a quarterly newsletter and maintain a Web site;
Conduct or coordinate 10 workshops per year;
Maintain a library of technical publications and video tapes;
Provide technical assistance to IRR Program participants;
Hold two advisory committee meetings a year;
Develop a yearly action plan in consultation with the advisory committee;
Coordinate with State LTAPs, other Indian technical centers, Rural Technical Assistance Program (RTAP) centers, tribal governments, and local planning and transportation agencies to share and exchange publications, videotapes, training material, and conduct joint workshops;
Consult with tribes and IRR Program participants concerning technical assistance and training desired; and
Prepare an annual report and distribute this report to service area tribes.