When undertaking transportation activities affecting tribes, the Secretaries should, to the maximum extent permitted by law:
Establish regular and meaningful consultation and collaboration with affected tribal governments, including facilitating the direct involvement of tribal governments in short- and long-range Federal transportation planning efforts;
Promote the rights of tribal governments to govern their own internal affairs;
Promote the rights of tribal governments to receive direct transportation services from the Federal Government or to enter into agreements to directly operate any tribally related transportation programs serving tribal members;
Ensure the continuation of the trust responsibility of the United States to tribes and Indian individuals;
Reduce the imposition of unfunded mandates upon tribal governments;
Encourage flexibility and innovation in the implementation of the IRR Program;
Reduce, streamline, and eliminate unnecessarily restrictive transportation policies, guidelines, or procedures;
Ensure that tribal rights and interests are appropriately considered during program development;
Ensure that the IRR Program is implemented consistent with tribal sovereignty and the government-to-government relationship; and
Consult with, and solicit the participation of, tribes in the development of the annual BIA budget proposals.