Grazing use on range units is authorized only by permits granted under paragraph (a) or (b) of this section.
(a) Grazing permits to Hopi tribal members on their partitioned lands.
The Area Director shall assign grazing privileges to the Hopi Tribe for lands within Hopi Partitioned Lands. The tribal government will then allocate use to their tribal members for permit periods not to exceed five years. Grazing use by Hopi tribal enterprises may be authorized. The Area Director will issue permits based on the determination of the Hopi tribal government.
(b) Interim Grazing Permit for persons awaiting relocation.
Navajo Tribal members who have maintained both a permanent residence on Hopi Partitioned lands; a livestock inventory since enumeration; and meet all the criteria listed in § 168.1(o), shall be eligible for an interim grazing allocation on Hopi Partitioned Lands under the following terms and conditions:
The Area Director shall first verify that an applicant meets the criteria of the definition in § 168.1(o) and will issue all permits.
The permitted number shall not exceed either (i) 10 SUYL (See § 168.1(1)) for each eligible family member, or (ii) the grazing applicant's livestock inventory reduced by voluntary sales as adjusted by reproduction, in accordance with procedures developed by the Project Officer based upon the study by Stubblefield and Camfield, 1975 page 5. The determination of the person to whom permits will be issued and the number of livestock to be permitted will be based on information provided by the permit applicant and an assessment of the number of dependents residing in the immediate household.
The permit shall authorize grazing for a specific number and kind of animal(s) in a specified range unit. Interim grazing permits will not be issued in excess of one-half the authorized carrying capacity of the Hopi Partition area.
Subject to the provisions of § 168.9(b), permits shall expire when the person awaiting relocation is relocated pursuant to the Settlement Act. No interim permit will be issued for a term greater than one year. Permits may be reissued upon application and redetermination of eligibility. All interim permits will expire at the end of the period provided for completion of relocation, Pub. L. 99-190. When a Navajo permit holder discontinues grazing livestock or reduces the number being grazed whether by reason of his relocating or for any other reason, his grazing permit will be cancelled or reduced and no permit will be issued in lieu thereof. The total number of authorized animal units grazed by the Navajo permit holders awaiting relocation will reduced by the number of animal units authorized under the cancelled or reduced permit.
Code of Federal Regulations
[47 FR 39817, Sept. 10, 1982, as amended at 51 FR 23052, June 25, 1986]