If the Secretary determines that he will approve a request for the acquisition of land from unrestricted fee status to trust status, he shall acquire, or require the applicant to furnish, title evidence meeting the Standards For The Preparation of Title Evidence In Land Acquisitions by the United States, issued by the U.S. Department of Justice. After having the title evidence examined, the Secretary shall notify the applicant of any liens, encumbrances, or infirmities which may exist. The Secretary may require the elimination of any such liens, encumbrances, or infirmities prior to taking final approval action on the acquisition and he shall require elimination prior to such approval if the liens, encumbrances, or infirmities make title to the land unmarketable.
Code of Federal Regulations
[45 FR 62036, Sept. 18, 1980. Redesignated at 60 FR 32879, June 23, 1995]