A PHA that owns or operates fewer than two hundred fifty (250) public housing units, may lease a unit in a public housing development to an over-income family (a family whose annual income exceeds the limit for a low income family at the time of initial occupancy), in accordance with its PHA annual plan (or supporting documents), if all the following conditions are satisfied:
There are no eligible low income families on the PHA waiting list or applying for public housing assistance when the unit is leased to an over-income family;
The PHA has publicized availability of the unit for rental to eligible low income families, including publishing public notice of such availability in a newspaper of general circulation in the jurisdiction at least thirty days before offering the unit to an over-income family;
The over-income family rents the unit on a month-to-month basis for a rent that is not less than the PHA's cost to operate the unit;
The lease to the over-income family provides that the family agrees to vacate the unit when needed for rental to an eligible family; and
The PHA gives the over-income family at least thirty days notice to vacate the unit when the unit is needed for rental to an eligible family.