(a) Definitions found elsewhere:
(1) General definitions.
The following terms are defined in part 5, subpart A of this title: 1937 Act, drug, drug-related criminal activity, federally assisted housing, guest, household, HUD, MSA, premises, public housing, public housing agency (PHA), Section 8, violent criminal activity.
(2) Definitions under the 1937 Act.
The following terms are defined in part 5, subpart D of this title: annual contributions contract (ACC), applicant, elderly family, elderly person, extremely low income family, family, low income family, person with disabilities.
(3) Definitions and explanations concerning income and rent.
The following terms are defined or explained in part 5, subpart F of this title: Annual income (see § 5.609 ); economic self-sufficiency program, tenant rent, total tenant payment (see § 5.628 ), utility allowance.
(b) Additional definitions.
In addition to the definitions in paragraph (a), the following definitions and cross-references apply:
Disabled families. See § 5.403 of this title.
Eligible families. Low income families who are eligible for admission to the public housing program.
Mixed population development. A public housing development, or portion of a development, that was reserved for elderly and disabled families at its inception (and has retained that character). If the development was not so reserved at its inception, the PHA has obtained HUD approval to give preference in tenant selection for all units in the development (or portion of development) to elderly families and disabled families. These developments were formerly known as elderly projects.
Over-income family. A family that is not a low income family. See subpart E of this part.
Residency preference. A preference for admission of persons who reside in a specified geographic area.
Tenant-based. See § 982.1(b) of this chapter.
Code of Federal Regulations
[65 FR 16724, Mar. 29, 2000, as amended at 66 FR 28799, May 24, 2001]