(a) Eligible costs.
Eligible costs are the rental assistance and security deposit payments made to provide tenant-based rental assistance for a family pursuant to this section. Administration of tenant-based rental assistance is eligible only under general management oversight and coordination at § 92.207(a).
(b) General requirement.
A participating jurisdiction may use HOME funds for tenant-based rental assistance only if the participating jurisdiction makes the certification about inclusion of this type of assistance in its consolidated plan in accordance with 24 CFR 91.225(d)(1), 91.325(d)(1), or 91.425(a)(2)(i), and specifies local market conditions that lead to the choice of this option.
(c) Tenant selection.
The participating jurisdiction must select families in accordance with written tenant selection policies and criteria that are consistent with the following:
(1) Low-income families.
Tenant-based rental assistance may only be provided to very low- and low-income families. The participating jurisdiction must determine that the family is very low- or low-income before the assistance is provided. During the period of assistance, the participating jurisdiction must annually determine that the family continues to be low-income.
(2) Preferences for Individuals with Special Needs.
The participating jurisdiction may establish a preference for individuals with special needs. The participating jurisdiction may offer, in conjunction with a tenant-based rental assistance program, particular types of non-mandatory services that may be most appropriate for persons with a special need or a particular disability. Generally, tenant-based rental assistance and the related services should be made available to all persons with special needs or disabilities who can benefit from such services.
The participating jurisdiction may also provide a preference for a specific category of individuals with disabilities (e.g., persons with HIV/AIDS or chronic mental illness) if the specific category is identified in the participating jurisdiction's consolidated plan as having unmet need and the preference is needed to narrow the gap in benefits and services received by such persons.
Preferences cannot be administered in a manner that limits the opportunities of persons on any basis prohibited by the laws listed under 24 CFR 5.105(a). For example, a participating jurisdiction may not determine that persons given a preference under the program are therefore prohibited from applying for or participating in other programs or forms of assistance.
(3) Existing tenants in the HOME-assisted projects.
A participating jurisdiction may select low-income families currently residing in housing units that are designated for rehabilitation or acquisition under the participating jurisdiction's HOME program. Participating jurisdictions using HOME funds for tenant-based rental assistance programs may establish local preferences for the provision of this assistance. Families so selected may use the tenant-based assistance in the rehabilitated or acquired housing unit or in other qualified housing.
(d) Portability of assistance.
A participating jurisdiction may require the family to use the tenant-based assistance within the participating jurisdiction's boundaries or may permit the family to use the assistance outside its boundaries.
(e) Term of rental assistance contract.
The term of the rental assistance contract providing assistance with HOME funds may not exceed 24 months, but may be renewed, subject to the availability of HOME funds. The term of the rental assistance contract must begin on the first day of the term of the lease. For a rental assistance contract between a participating jurisdiction and an owner, the term of the contract must terminate on termination of the lease. For a rental assistance contract between a participating jurisdiction and a family, the term of the contract need not end on termination of the lease, but no payments may be made after termination of the lease until a family enters into a new lease.
(f) Rent reasonableness.
The participating jurisdiction must disapprove a lease if the rent is not reasonable, based on rents that are charged for comparable unassisted rental units.
(g) Tenant protections.
The lease must comply with the requirements in § 92.253 (a) and (b).
(h) Maximum subsidy.
The amount of the monthly assistance that a participating jurisdiction may pay to, or on behalf of, a family may not exceed the difference between a rent standard for the unit size established by the participating jurisdiction and 30 percent of the family's monthly adjusted income.
The participating jurisdiction must establish a minimum tenant contribution to rent.
The participating jurisdiction's rent standard for a unit size must be based on:
Local market conditions; or
For each unit size, may not be less than 80 percent of the published Section 8 Existing Housing fair market rent (in effect when the payment standard amount is adopted) nor more than the fair market rent or HUD-approved community-wide exception rent (in effect when the participating jurisdiction adopts its rent standard amount). (Community-wide exception rents are maximum gross rents approved by HUD for the Rental Certificate Program under 24 CFR 882.106(a)(3) for a designated municipality, county, or similar locality, which apply to the whole PHA jurisdiction.) A participating jurisdiction may approve on a unit-by-unit basis a subsidy based on a rent standard that exceeds the applicable fair market rent by up to 10 percent for 20 percent of units assisted.
(i) Housing quality standards.
Housing occupied by a family receiving tenant-based assistance under this section must meet the requirements set forth in 24 CFR 982.401. The participating jurisdiction must inspect the housing initially and re-inspect it annually.
(j) Security deposits.
A participating jurisdiction may use HOME funds provided for tenant-based rental assistance to provide loans or grants to very low- and low-income families for security deposits for rental of dwelling units whether or not the participating jurisdiction provides any other tenant-based rental assistance under this section.
The relevant State or local definition of “security deposit” in the jurisdiction where the unit is located is applicable for the purposes of this part, except that the amount of HOME funds that may be provided for a security deposit may not exceed the equivalent of two month's rent for the unit.
Only the prospective tenant may apply for HOME security deposit assistance, although the participating jurisdiction may pay the funds directly to the tenant or to the landlord.
HOME funds for security deposits may be provided as a grant or as a loan. If they are provided as a loan, the loan repayments are program income to be used in accordance with § 92.503.
Paragraphs (b), (c), (d), (f), (g), and (i) of this section are applicable to HOME security deposit assistance, except that income determinations pursuant to paragraph (c)(1) of this section and Housing Quality Standard inspections pursuant to paragraph (i) of this section are required only at the time the security deposit assistance is provided.
(k) Program operation.
A tenant-based rental assistance program must be operated consistent with the requirements of this section. The participating jurisdiction may operate the program itself, or may contract with a PHA or other entity with the capacity to operate a rental assistance program. The tenant-based rental assistance may be provided through an assistance contract to an owner that leases a unit to an assisted family or directly to the family. In either case, the participating jurisdiction (or entity operating the program) must approve the lease.
(l) Use of
In any case where assistance under section 8 of the 1937 Act becomes available to a participating jurisdiction, recipients of tenant-based rental assistance under this part will qualify for tenant selection preferences to the same extent as when they received the tenant-based rental assistance under this part.
Code of Federal Regulations
[61 FR 48750, Sept. 16, 1996, as amended at 62 FR 28928, May 28, 1997; 67 FR 61756, Oct. 1, 2002]