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(a) Consortium certifications— (1) General— Each consortium must certify that it will affirmatively further fair housing, which means that it will conduct an analysis to identify impediments to fair housing choice within the area, take appropriate actions to overcome the effects of any impediments identified through that analysis, and maintain records reflecting the analysis and actions in this regard.
(ii) Anti-displacement and relocation plan. Each consortium must certify that it has in effect and is following a residential antidisplacement and relocation assistance plan in connection with any activity assisted with funding under the HOME or CDBG program.
(iii) Anti-lobbying. The consortium must submit a certification with regard to compliance with restrictions on lobbying required by 24 CFR part 87, together with disclosure forms, if required by that part.
(iv) Authority of consortium. The consortium must submit a certification that the consolidated plan is authorized under State and local law (as applicable) and that the consortium possesses the legal authority to carry out the programs for which it is seeking funding, in accordance with applicable HUD regulations.
(v) Consistency with plan. The consortium must certify that the housing activities to be undertaken with CDBG, HOME, ESG, and HOPWA funds are consistent with the strategic plan.
(vi) Acquisition and relocation. The consortium must certify that it will comply with the acquisition and relocation requirements of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended (42 U.S.C. 4601 ), and implementing regulations at 49 CFR part 24.
(vii) . The consortium must certify that it will comply with section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 (12 U.S.C. 1701u ), and implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 135.
(2) HOME program. The consortium must provide the following certifications:
(i) If it plans to use HOME funds for tenant-based rental assistance, a certification that rental-based assistance is an essential element of its consolidated plan;
(ii) That it is using and will use HOME funds for eligible activities and costs, as described in §§ 92.205 through 92.209 of this subtitle and that it is not using and will not use HOME funds for prohibited activities, as described in § 92.214 of this subtitle; and
(iii) That before committing funds to a project, the consortium will evaluate the project in accordance with guidelines that it adopts for this purpose and will not invest any more HOME funds in combination with other federal assistance than is necessary to provide affordable housing.
(b) CDBG entitlement community certifications. A CDBG entitlement community that is a member of a consortium must submit the certifications required by § 91.225 (a) and (b), and, if applicable, of § 91.225 (c) and (d).
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2506-0117)

Code of Federal Regulations

[60 FR 1896, Jan. 5, 1995, as amended at 72 FR 73493, Dec. 27, 2007]