The responsible entity may prepare the EA using the HUD recommended format. In preparing an EA for a particular project, the responsible entity must:
Determine existing conditions and describe the character, features and resources of the project area and its surroundings; identify the trends that are likely to continue in the absence of the project.
Identify all potential environmental impacts, whether beneficial or adverse, and the conditions that would change as a result of the project.
Identify, analyze and evaluate all impacts to determine the significance of their effects on the human environment and whether the project will require further compliance under related laws and authorities cited in § 58.5 and § 58.6.
Examine and recommend feasible ways in which the project or external factors relating to the project could be modified in order to eliminate or minimize adverse environmental impacts.
Examine alternatives to the project itself, if appropriate, including the alternative of no action.
Complete all environmental review requirements necessary for the project's compliance with applicable authorities cited in §§ 58.5 and 58.6.
Based on steps set forth in paragraph (a) through (f) of this section, make one of the following findings:
A Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), in which the responsible entity determines that the project is not an action that will result in a significant impact on the quality of the human environment. The responsible entity may then proceed to § 58.43.
A finding of significant impact, in which the project is deemed to be an action which may significantly affect the quality of the human environment. The responsible entity must then proceed with its environmental review under subpart F or G of this part.