(1) Restrictions and definition.
Period of use restrictions applicable to assistance provided under this part are governed by 42 U.S.C. 11375(a). Use of grant amounts for developing and implementing homeless prevention activities does not trigger period of use requirements.
For purposes of the requirements under this section, the term same general population means either the same types of homeless persons originally served with ESG assistance (i.e., battered spouses, runaway children, families, or mentally ill individuals), or persons in the same geographic area.
(b) Calculating the applicable period.
The 3- and 10-year periods applicable under paragraph (a) of this section begin to run:
In the case of a building that was not operated as an emergency shelter for the homeless before receipt of grant amounts under this part, on the date of initial occupancy as an emergency shelter for the homeless.
In the case of a building that was operated as an emergency shelter before receipt of grant amounts under this part, on the date that grant amounts are first obligated for the shelter.
Code of Federal Regulations
[54 FR 46799, Nov. 7, 1989. Redesignated and amended at 61 FR 51552, Oct. 2, 1996]