(a) Applicability.
This section applies when:
A State, territory, or Indian tribe fails to obtain approval of its consolidated plan within 90 days of the date upon which amounts under this part first become available for allocation in any fiscal year; or
Grant amounts cannot be reallocated to a State under § 576.41.
(b) Grantees.
HUD will reallocate the amounts that a State or Indian tribe referred to in paragraph (a)(1) of this section would have received:
If grant amounts remain, then to territories that demonstrate extraordinary need or large numbers of homeless individuals.
HUD will make available the amounts that a territory under paragraph (a)(1) of this section would have received to other territories that demonstrate extraordinary need or large numbers of homeless individuals.
(c) Notification of funding availability.
HUD will make reallocations to States and Indian tribes under this section by direct notification or Federal Register notice that will set forth the terms and conditions under which amounts under this section are to be reallocated and grant awards made. In the case of reallocations to Territories, the responsible HUD field office will promptly notify each Territory of any reallocation amounts under this section, and indicate the terms and conditions under which reallocation amounts are to be made available and grant awards made.
(d) Eligibility for reallocation amounts.
In order to receive reallocation amounts under this section, the formula city or county, State, territory, or Indian tribe must:
Submit an amendment, in accordance with 24 CFR part 91, to its consolidated plan for that program year to cover activities for the reallocation amount it wishes to receive; and
Execute a grant agreement with HUD for the fiscal year for which the amounts to be reallocated were initially made available.
(e) Review and approval.
Section 576.53, and such additional requirements as HUD may specify in the notification under paragraph (c) of this section, govern the review and approval of application amendments under this section. HUD will rank the amendments and make grant awards under this section on the basis of the following factors:
The nature and extent of the unmet homeless need within the jurisdiction in which the grant amounts will be used;
The extent to which the proposed activities address this need; and
The ability of the grantee to carry out the proposed activities promptly.
HUD will endeavor to make grant awards within 30 days of the application amendment deadline, or as soon thereafter as practicable.
(f) Grant amounts.
HUD may make a grant award for less than the amount applied for or for fewer than all of the activities identified in the application amendment.
(g) Deadlines for using reallocated amounts.
Section 576.35 governs the use of amounts reallocated under this section.
(h) Amounts not reallocated.
Any grant amounts that are not reallocated under this section, or that are reallocated, but are unused, will be reallocated under § 576.45(d). Any amounts that are reallocated, but are returned, will be reallocated under § 576.45(c).
Code of Federal Regulations
[54 FR 46799, Nov. 7, 1989, as amended at 56 FR 56129, Oct. 31, 1991; 60 FR 1918, Jan. 5, 1995. Redesignated and amended at 61 FR 51551, Oct. 2, 1996]