(a) General.
Grants under this section will be awarded to institutions of higher education or to States and local governments applying jointly with institutions of higher education. Institutions of higher education must demonstrate the capacity to carry out activities under title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. For ease of reference, this program may be called the Joint CD Program.
Demonstrated capacity to carry out eligible activities under title I means recent satisfactory activity by the institution of higher education's staff designated to work on the program, including subcontractors and consultants firmly committed to work on the proposed activities, in title I programs or similar programs without the need for oversight by a State or unit of general local government.
Institution of higher education means a college or university granting 4-year degrees and accredited by a national or regional accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.
(c) Eligible applicants.
Institutions of higher education or States and units of general local government jointly with institutions of higher education may apply. Institutions of higher education with demonstrated capacity to carry out eligible activities under title I may apply on their own, without the joint participation of a State or unit of general local government. States or unit of general local governments must file jointly with an institution of higher education. For these approved joint applications, the grant will be made to the State or unit of general local government and the institution of higher education jointly. If an eligible applicant is an institution of higher education, it will not be funded more than once for the same kinds of activities. These grantees may not receive funding under a subsequent NOFA if it has the same program objectives as the one under which the grantee previously received funding. However, a State or unit of general local government is eligible to apply if it files jointly with a different institution of higher education in each NOFA cycle. HUD may further limit the type of eligible applicant to be funded. Any such limitations will be contained in the Notice of Funding Availability described below in paragraph (h) of this section.
(d) Role of participants in joint applications.
An institution of higher education and a State or unit of general local government may carry out eligible activities approved in joint applications. Where there are joint applicants, the grant will be made to both and both will be responsible for oversight, compliance, and performance. The application will have to clearly delineate the role of each applicant in the joint application. Any funding sanctions or other remedial actions by HUD for noncompliance or nonperformance, whether by the State or unit of general local government or by the institution of higher education, shall be taken against both grantees.
(e) Eligible activities.
Activities that may be funded under this section are those eligible under 24 CFR part 570 —Community Development Block Grants, subpart C—Eligible Activities. These activities may be designed to assist residents of colonias, as defined in section 916(d) of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 5306 note), to improve living conditions and standards within colonias. HUD may limit the activities to be funded. Any such limitations will be contained in the Notice of Funding Availability described in paragraph (h) of this section.
(f) Applications.
Applications will only be accepted from eligible applicants in response to a publication of a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) published by HUD in the Federal Register.
(g) Local approval.
Where an institution of higher education is the applicant, each unit of general local government that is an entitlement jurisdiction where an activity is to take place must approve the activity and certify that the activity is consistent with its Consolidated Plan.
Where a State is the joint applicant and it proposes to carry out an activity within the jurisdiction of one or more units of general local government, then each such unit must approve the activity and state that the activity is consistent with its Consolidated Plan.
These approvals and findings must accompany each application and may take the form of a letter by the chief executive officer of each unit of general local government affected or a resolution of the legislative body of each such unit of general local government.
(h) NOFA contents.
The NOFA will describe any special objectives sought to be achieved by the funding to be provided, including any limitations on the type of activities to be funded to achieve the objectives, any limitations on the type of eligible applicants, and points to be awarded to each of the selection criteria and any special factors to be evaluated in assigning points under the selection criteria to achieve the stated objectives. The NOFA will also state the deadline for the submission of applications, the total funding available for the competition, the period of performance and the maximum and minimum amount of individual grants. The NOFA will also state which of the various possible levels of competition HUD will use: national and/or regional or entitlement areas vs. non-entitlement areas; and States or units of general local government vs. institutions of higher education vs. institutions of higher education with a demonstrated capacity. The NOFA will include further information and instructions for the submission of acceptable applications to HUD.
(i) Selection criteria.
Each application submitted under this section will be evaluated by HUD using the following criteria:
The extent to which the applicant addresses the objectives published in the NOFA and demonstrates how the proposed activities will have a substantial impact in achieving the objectives.
The extent of the needs to be addressed by the proposed activities, particularly with respect to benefiting low- and moderate-income persons and residents of colonias, where applicable.
The feasibility of the proposed activities, i.e., their technical and financial feasibility, for achieving the stated objectives.
The capability of the applicant to carry out satisfactorily the proposed activities in a timely fashion, including satisfactory performance in carrying out any previous HUD-assisted projects or activities.
The extent of commitment to fair housing and equal opportunity, as indicated by such factors as previous HUD monitoring/compliance activity, actions to promote minority- and women-owned business enterprise, affirmatively furthering fair housing issues, and nondiscriminatory delivery of services.
(j) Selection discretion.
HUD retains the right to exercise discretion in selecting projects in a manner that would best serve the program objectives, with consideration given to the needs of States and units of general local government and institutions of higher education, types of activities proposed, an equitable geographical distribution, and program balance. The NOFA will state whether HUD will use this discretion in any specific competition.
(k) Certifications.
Certifications, including those indicating that applicants have adhered to all civil rights requirements under subpart K of this part and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, required to be submitted by applicants shall be as prescribed in the NOFA.
In the absence of independent evidence which tends to challenge in a substantial manner the certifications made by the applicant, the required certifications will be accepted by HUD. However, if independent evidence is available, HUD may require further information or assurances to be submitted in order to determine whether the applicant's certifications are satisfactory.
(l) Consolidated plan.
An applicant that proposes any housing activities as part of its application will be required to submit a certification that these activities are consistent with the Consolidated Plan of the jurisdiction to be served.
(m) Citizen participation.
The citizen participation requirements of §§ 570.301, 570.431, 570.485(c) and 570.486(a) are modified to require the following: The applicant must certify that citizens likely to be affected by the project regardless of race, color, creed, sex, national origin, familial status, or handicap, particularly low- and moderate-income persons, have been provided an opportunity to comment on the proposal or application.
(n) Environmental and Intergovernmental Review.
The requirements for Intergovernmental Reviews do not apply to these awards. When required, an environmental review in accordance with 24 CFR part 58 must be carried out by the State or unit of general local government when it is the applicant. HUD will conduct any required environmental review when an institution of higher education is the applicant.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2535-0084)
Code of Federal Regulations
[60 FR 15837, Mar. 27, 1995]