Before deobligating grant amounts, HUD will consult with the affected grantee and take into account factors such as timing of the grantee's program year; the timing of State distributions to State recipients, if applicable; the timing of expected project approvals for projects in the grantee's pipeline; climatic or other considerations affecting rehabilitation work schedules; and other relevant considerations. In addition to any remedial deobligation under § 511.82, HUD may deobligate any rental rehabilitation grant amounts that are not:
Committed to specific local projects within 3 years of the date of obligation of the grant under § 511.21(d) (4 years in the case of a State that distributes rental rehabilitation grant amounts to State recipients); or
Expended for eligible costs within 5 years of such date of obligation (6 years in the case of a State that distributes rental rehabilitation grant amounts to State recipients).
After such consultation, the HUD field office may direct the grantee to proceed with program closeout and may deobligate remaining unexpended grant amounts if the field office determines that any uncommitted funds will not be committed within a reasonable time, only small amounts of funds remain unexpended, or completion of uncompleted projects appears infeasible within a reasonable time. None of the time periods referred to in this section are extended by any suspensions of project set-ups or other remedial action imposed by HUD under this part.
Code of Federal Regulations
[61 FR 7062, Feb. 23, 1996]