All of the provisions of 24 CFR part 203, subpart A, concerning eligibility requirements of mortgages covering one-family dwellings under section 203 of the National Housing Act (12 U.S.C. 1709) apply to mortgages on one-family dwellings to be insured under section 257 of the National Housing Act (12 U.S.C. 1701z-22 ), except the following provisions: 203.7 Commitment Process; 203.10 Informed consumer choice for prospective FHA mortgagors; 203.12 Mortgage insurance on proposed or new subdivisions; 203.14 Builder's warranty; 203.16 Certificate and contract regarding use of dwelling for transient or hotel purposes; 203.17(d) Maturity; 203.18 Maximum mortgage amounts; 203.18a Solar-energy system; 203.18b Increased mortgage amount; 203.18c One-time or up-front MIP excluded from limitations on maximum mortgage amounts; 203.18d Minimum principal loan amount; 203.19 Mortgagor's minimum investment; 203.20 Agreed interest rate; 203.29 Eligible mortgage in Alaska, Guam, Hawaii or the Virgin Islands; 203.32 Mortgage lien; 203.37a Sale of property; 203.42 Rental properties; 203.43 Eligibility of miscellaneous types of mortgages; 203.43a Eligibility of mortgages covering housing in certain neighborhoods; 203.43d Eligibility of mortgages in certain communities; 203.43e Eligibility of mortgages covering houses in federally impacted areas; 203.43g Eligibility of mortgages in certain communities; 203.43h Eligibility of mortgages on Indian land insured pursuant to section 248 of the National Housing Act; 203.43i Eligibility of mortgages on Hawaiian Home Lands insured pursuant to section 247 of the National Housing Act; 203.43j Eligibility of mortgages on Allegany Reservation of Seneca Nation Indians; 203.44 Eligibility of advances; 203.45 Eligibility of graduated payment mortgages; 203.47 Eligibility of growing equity mortgages; 203.49 Eligibility of adjustable rate mortgages; 203.50 Eligibility of rehabilitation loans; 203.51 Applicability; and 203.200-203.209 Insured Ten-Year Protection Plans (Plan).
For the purposes of this subpart, all references in 24 CFR part 203, subpart A, to section 203 of the Act shall be construed to refer to section 257 of the Act. Any references in 24 CFR part 203, subpart A, to the “Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund” shall be deemed to be to the Home Ownership Preservation Entity Fund, and any references to “the Commissioner” shall be deemed to be to the Board or the Commissioner (as the context may require).
If there is any conflict in the application of any requirement of 24 CFR part 203, subpart A, to this part the provisions of this part shall control.
[73 FR 58420, Oct. 6, 2008, as amended at 74 FR 621, Jan. 7, 2009]