Hallways shall have a minimum horizontal dimension of 28 inches measured from the interior finished surface to the interior finished surface of the opposite wall. When appliances are installed in a laundry area, the measurement shall be from the front of the appliance to the opposite finished interior surface. When appliances are not installed and a laundry area is provided, the area shall have a minimum clear depth of 27 inches in addition to the 28 inches required for passage. In addition, a notice of the available clearance for washer/dryer units shall be posted in the laundry area. Minor protrusions into the minimum hallway width by doorknobs, trim, smoke alarms or light fixtures are permitted.
[40 FR 58752, Dec. 18, 1975. Redesignated at 44 FR 20679, Apr. 6, 1979, and further redesignated at 58 FR 55004, Oct. 25, 1993; 67 FR 12817, Mar. 19, 2002]