(a) Increases.
After the initial obligation of funds, HUD will not make any upward revisions to the amount obligated.
(b) Deobligation.
HUD may deobligate amounts:
If the amount of the loans provided under the program are less than the amount of the loans anticipated in the application; or
If the recipient fails to carry out activities under the program within a reasonable time after selection;
If as a result of an audit, HUD determines that the recipient has expended funds for uses that are ineligible under this part, HUD may adjust or deobligate funding amounts, as appropriate, to recover the ineligible costs.
The grant agreement may set forth in detail other circumstances under which funds may be deobligated, and other sanctions may be imposed.
Code of Federal Regulations
[54 FR 22258, May 22, 1989. Redesignated at 61 FR 42954, Aug. 19, 1996]