1710.118—Receipt, agent certification and cancellation page.
(a) Format.
The receipt, agent certification and cancellation page shall be prepared in accordance with the sample printed herein.
The original and one copy of this page shall be attached to the Property Report delivered to prospective purchasers. Carbon paper may be inserted between the two so that after the purchaser has signed the receipt and the salesman has signed the certification, the copy can be detached and retained by the developer for a period of three years from the date of execution or the term of the contract, whichever is the longer. Upon demand by the Secretary, the developer shall, without delay, make the copies of these receipts and certifications available for inspection by the Secretary or the developer shall forward to the Secretary any of the receipts and certifications, or copies thereof, as the Secretary may specify.
If the transaction takes place through the mails, the cost figures shall be entered and the person most active in dealing with the prospective purchaser shall sign the certification prior to mailing the Property Report to the purchaser. Otherwise, the certification shall be executed in the presence of the purchaser.
The date of Report appearing on the receipt shall be the same as that appearing on the cover sheet of the Property Report.
Notification of cancellation by mail shall be considered given at the time post-marked.