Upon completion of notice and provision of all due process rights as listed in 34.8(b) of this section and upon final determination of the existence and amount of a debt, unless other acceptable payment arrangements have been made or procedures under a specific statute apply, STATE shall collect the debt by one or more of the following methods:
(a) Administrative offset.
Payments otherwise due the debtor from the United States shall be offset from the debt in accordance with 31 CFR 901.3. These may be funds under the control of the Department of State or other Federal agencies. Collection may be made through centralized offset by the Financial Management Service (“FMS”) of the Department of the Treasury.
Such payments include but are not limited to vendor payments, salary, retirement, lump sum payments due upon Federal employment separation, travel reimbursements, tax refunds, loans or other assistance. For offset of Federal salary payments under 5 U.S.C. 5514 for certain types of debt see subpart C of this part.
Administrative offset under this subsection does not apply to debts specified in the FCCS, 31 CFR 901.3(a)(2).
Before administrative offset is instituted by another Federal agency or the FMS, STATE shall certify in writing to that entity that the debt is past due and legally enforceable and that STATE has complied with all applicable due process and other requirements as described in this part and other Federal law and regulations.
Administrative offset of anticipated or future benefit payments under the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund will be requested by STATE pursuant to 5 CFR 831.1801-1808.
(6) Expedited offset.
STATE may effect an offset against a debtor prior to sending a notice to the debtor as described in § 34.8, when:
The offset is in the nature of a recoupment,
Offset is executed pursuant to procedures set out in the Contracts Disputes Act,
Previous notice and opportunity for review have been given, or
There is insufficient time before payment would be made to the debtor/payee to allow prior notice and an opportunity for review. In such case, STATE shall give the debtor notice and an opportunity for review as soon as practicable and shall promptly refund any money ultimately found not to have been owed to the Government.
Unless otherwise provided by law, administrative offset of payments under the authority of 31 U.S.C. 3716 to collect a debt may not be conducted more than 10 years after the Government's right to collect the debt first accrued, unless facts material to the Government's right to collect the debt were not known and could not reasonably have been known by the official charged with the responsibility to discover and collect such debts. This limitation does not apply to debts reduced to a judgment.
(b) Referral to private collection agency.
STATE may contract for collection services to recover delinquent debts, or transfer a delinquent debt to FMS for private collection action, pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 3718, 22 U.S.C. 2716 and the FCCS, 31 CFR 901.5, as applicable. STATE will not use a collection agency to collect a debt owed by a currently employed or retired Federal employee, if collection by salary or annuity offset is available.
(c) Disclosure to consumer reporting agencies.
STATE may disclose delinquent debts to consumer reporting agencies and other automated databases in accordance with 31 U.S.C. 3711(e) and the FCCS, 31 CFR 901.4, and in compliance with the Bankruptcy Code and the Privacy Act 5 U.S.C. 552a.
Liquidation of Collateral, if applicable, in accordance with the FCCS, 31 CFR 901.7.
Suspension or revocation of eligibility for loans and loan guaranties, licenses, permits, or privileges in accordance with the FCCS, 31 CFR 901.6.
(f) Litigation.
Debts may be referred to the Department of Justice for litigation for collection in accordance with the standards set forth in the FCCS, 31 CFR part 904.
(g) Transfer to FMS.
Debts delinquent more than 180 days shall be transferred to the Financial Management Service of the Department of the Treasury for collection by all available means. Debts delinquent less that 180 days may also be so transferred.
(h) Administrative wage garnishment.
STATE may collect debts from a non-Federal employee's wages by means of administrative wage garnishment in accordance with the requirements of 31 U.S.C. 3720D and 31 CFR 285.11. All parts of 31 CFR 285.11 are incorporated by reference into these regulations, including the hearing procedures described in 31 CFR 285.11(f).
(i) Salary offset.
See subpart C of this part.