Claims for settlement by the Department of State or by the General Accounting Office shall be submitted to the Department in duplicate over the handwritten signature, together with the post office address of the claimant, and with appropriate recommendations of the officer of the Foreign Service, for items such as:
Refunds of amounts representing payroll deductions such as for any retirement and disability fund;
Amounts due deceased, incompetent, or insolvent persons including payees or bona fide holders of unpaid Government checks;
Amounts claimed from the Government when questions of fact affect either the amount payable or the terms of payment, when for any reason settlement cannot or should not be affected at the Foreign Service office; and
Amounts of checks, owned by living payees or bona fide holders, which have been covered into outstanding liabilities. The Foreign Service post or the Department of State shall be consulted before preparing the claim to ascertain whether any special form is required to be used. Claims for unpaid compensation of deceased alien employees shall be forwarded to the respective Foreign Service post.