171.5—Requests for information—types and how made.
Requests for records in accordance with this chapter may be made by mail addressed to the Information and Privacy Coordinator, U.S. Department of State, SA-2, 515 22nd Street, NW., Washington, DC 20522-6001. Facsimile requests under the FOIA only may be sent to: (202) 261-8579. E-mail requests cannot be accepted at this time. Requesters are urged to indicate clearly on their requests the provision of law under which they are requesting information. This will facilitate the processing of the request by the Department. In any case, the Department will process the request under the provision of law that provides the greatest access to the requested records.
Requests may also be made by the public in person from 8:15 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Department of State, SA-2, 515 22nd Street, NW., Washington, DC.
Although no particular request format is required, it is essential that a request reasonably describe the Department records that are sought. The burden of adequately identifying the record requested lies with the requester. Requests should be specific and include all pertinent details about the request. For FOIA requests, the request should include the subject, timeframe, any individuals involved, and reasons why the Department is believed to have records on the subject of the request. For Privacy Act requests, the request should state the type of records sought, the complete name and date and place of birth of the subject of the request, and the timeframe for the records. An original signature is required. See § 171.12(b) for guidance regarding third party requests. Individuals may seek assistance regarding any aspect of their requests from the Chief, Requester Liaison Division, (202) 261-8484.
While every effort is made to guarantee the greatest possible access to all requesters regardless of the specific statute under which the information is requested, the following guidance is provided for individuals in requesting records:
(1) Freedom of Information Act.
Requests for documents concerning the general activities of government and of the Department of State in particular (see subpart B of this part).
(2) E.O. 12958.
Requests for mandatory review and declassification of specific Department records and requests for access to such records by historical researchers and certain former government officials (see subpart C of this part).
(3) Privacy Act.
Requests from U.S. citizens or legal permanent resident aliens for records that pertain to them and that are maintained by the Department under the individual's name or personal identifier (see subpart D of this part).
(4) Ethics in Government Act.
Requests for the financial Disclosure Statements of Department Employees covered by this Act (see subpart E of this part).
(e) First-in/first-out processing.
As a general matter, information access requests are processed in the order in which they are received. However, if the request is specific and the search can be narrowed, it may be processed more quickly.
(f) Cut-off date.
In determining which records are responsive to a request, the Department ordinarily will include only records in its possession as of the date the search for responsive documents is initiated, unless the requester has specified an earlier time frame.
(g) Records previously withheld or in litigation.
Requests shall not be processed for records that have been reviewed and withheld within the past two years or whose withholding is the subject of litigation.