The Managing Director of the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls or the Director of the Office of Defense Trade Controls Compliance is authorized to order the interim suspension of any person when the Managing Director or Director of Compliance believes that grounds for debarment (as defined in § 127.7 of this part) exist and where and to the extent the Managing Director or Director of Compliance, as applicable, finds that interim suspension is reasonably necessary to protect world peace or the security or foreign policy of the United States. The interim suspension orders prohibit that person from participating directly or indirectly in the export of any defense article or defense service for which a license or approval is required by this subchapter. The suspended person shall be notified in writing as provided in § 127.7(c) of this part (statutory debarment) or § 128.3 of this subchapter (administrative debarment), whichever is appropriate. In both cases, a copy of the interim suspension order will be served upon that person in the same manner as provided in § 128.3 of this subchapter. The interim suspension order may be made immediately effective, without prior notice. The order will state the relevant facts, the grounds for issuance of the order, and describe the nature and duration of the interim suspension. No person may be suspended for a period exceeding 60 days, absent extraordinary circumstances, (e.g., unless proceedings under § 127.7(c) of this part or under part 128 of this subchapter, or criminal proceedings, are initiated).
A motion or petition to vacate or modify an interim suspension order may be filed at any time with the Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security. After a final decision is reached, the Managing Director of the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls will issue an appropriate order disposing of the motion or petition and will promptly inform the respondent accordingly.
Code of Federal Regulations
[71 FR 20549, Apr. 21, 2006]