(a) Debarment.
In implementing § 38 of the Arms Export Control Act, the Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs may prohibit any person from participating directly or indirectly in the export of defense articles, including technical data, or in the furnishing of defense services for which a license or approval is required by this subchapter for any of the reasons listed below. Any such prohibition is referred to as a debarment for purposes of this subchapter. The Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs shall determine the appropriate period of time for debarment, which shall generally be for a period of three years. However, reinstatement is not automatic and in all cases the debarred person must submit a request for reinstatement and be approved for reinstatement before engaging in any export or brokering activities subject to the Arms Export Control Act or this subchapter.
(b) Grounds.
The basis for a statutory debarment, as described in paragraph (c) of this section, is any conviction for violating the Arms Export Control Act (see § 127.3 of this subchapter) or any conspiracy to violate the Arms Export Control Act.
The basis for administrative debarment, described in part 128 of this subchapter, is any violation of 22 U.S.C. 2778 or any rule or regulation issued thereunder when such a violation is of such a character as to provide a reasonable basis for the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls to believe that the violator cannot be relied upon to comply with the statute or these rules or regulations in the future, and when such violation is established in accordance with part 128 of this subchapter.
(c) Statutory debarment.
Section 38(g)(4) of the Arms Export Control Act prohibits the issuance of licenses to persons who have been convicted of violating the U.S. criminal statutes enumerated in § 120.27 of this subchapter. Discretionary authority to issue licenses is provided, but only if certain statutory requirements are met. It is the policy of the Department of State not to consider applications for licenses or requests for approvals involving any person who has been convicted of violating the Arms Export Control Act or convicted of conspiracy to violate that Act for a three year period following conviction. Such individuals shall be notified in writing that they are debarred pursuant to this policy. A list of persons who have been convicted of such offenses and debarred for this reason shall be published periodically in the Federal Register. Debarment in such cases is based solely upon the outcome of a criminal proceeding, conducted by a court of the United States, that established guilt beyond a reasonable doubt in accordance with due process. The procedures of part 128 of this subchapter are not applicable in such cases.
(d) Appeals.
Any person who is ineligible pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section may appeal to the Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security for reconsideration of the ineligibility determination. The procedures specified in § 128.13 of this subchapter will be used in submitting a reconsideration appeal.
Code of Federal Regulations
[58 FR 39316, July 22, 1993, as amended at 71 FR 20549, Apr. 21, 2006]