The following employees of IDCA shall submit statements of employment and financial interests:
All special Government employees including experts or consultants serving on a full-time or intermittent basis, except when waived under § 1203.735-402(c).
Employees paid at a level of the Executive Schedule in subchapter II of chapter 53 of title 5, United States Code, except as provided in § 1203.735-402(b).
Except as provided in § 1203.735-402, employees classified at GS-13, FSO-4, FSR-5, FSS-2, AD-13, FC-5, or above, who are in positions hereby identified either as positions the basic duties of which impose upon the incumbent the responsibility for a Government decision or taking a Government action in regard to:
Contracting or procurement;
Administering or monitoring grants or subsidies;
Regulating or auditing private or other non-Federal enterprise;
Other activities where the decision or action has an economic impact on the interests of any non-Federal enterprise, or as positions which have duties and responsibilities which require the incumbent to report employment and financial interests in order to avoid involvement in a possible conflict of interest situation and carry out the purpose of law, Executive order, and the agency's regulations: