An application for a permit to import controlled substances shall be made on DEA Form 357. DEA Form 357 may be obtained from, and shall be filed with, the Import/Export Unit, Drug Enforcement Administration. See the Table of DEA Mailing Addresses in § 1321.01 of this chapter for the current mailing address. Each application shall show the date of execution; the registration number of the importer; a detailed description of each controlled substance to be imported including the drug name, dosage form, National Drug Code (NDC) number, the Administration Controlled Substance Code Number as set forth in part 1308 of this chapter, the number and size of packages or containers, the name and quantity of the controlled substance contained in any finished dosage units, and the net quantity of any controlled substance (expressed in anhydrous acid, base or alkaloid) given in kilograms or parts thereof. The application shall also include the following:
The name, address, and business of the consignor, if known at the time application is submitted, but if unknown at that time, the fact should be indicated and the name and address afterwards furnished to the Administrator as soon as ascertained by the importer;
The foreign port of exportation (i.e., the place where the article will begin its journey of exportation to the United States);
The port of entry into the United States;
The latest date said shipment will leave said foreign port;
The stock on hand of the controlled substance desired to be imported;
The name of the importing carrier or vessel (if known, or if unknown it should be stated whether shipment will be made by express, freight, or otherwise, imports of controlled substances in Schedules I or II and narcotic drugs in Schedules III, IV, or V by mail being prohibited);
The total tentative allotment to the importer of such controlled substance for the current calendar year;
The total number of kilograms of said allotment for which permits have previously been issued and the total quantity of controlled substance actually imported during the current year to date.
If desired, alternative foreign ports of exportation within the same country may be indicated upon the application (e.g., (1) Calcutta, (2) Bombay). If a formal permit is issued pursuant to such application, it will bear the names of the two ports in the order given in the application and will authorize shipment from either port. Alternate ports in different countries will not be authorized in the same permit.
Code of Federal Regulations
[36 FR 7815, Apr. 24, 1971, as amended at 36 FR 13387, July 21, 1971. Redesignated at 38 FR 26609, Sept. 24, 1973, and amended at 39 FR 43218, Dec. 11, 1974; 45 FR 74715, Nov. 12, 1980; 51 FR 5319 and 5320, Feb. 13, 1986; 52 FR 17289, May 7, 1987; 62 FR 13969, Mar. 24, 1997; 75 FR 10681, Mar. 9, 2010]