669.200—Who is eligible to receive a NFJP grant?
To be eligible to receive a grant under this section, an entity must have:
An understanding of the problems of eligible migrant and seasonal farmworkers and their dependents;
A familiarity with the agricultural industry and the labor market needs of the geographic area to be served;
The capacity to effectively administer a diversified program of workforce investment activities and related assistance for eligible migrant and seasonal farmworkers (including farmworker youth) as described in paragraph (b) of this section;
The capacity to work effectively as a One-Stop partner.
For purposes of paragraph (a)(3) of this section, an entity's “capacity to effectively administer” a program may be demonstrated by:
Organizational experience; or
Significant experience of its key staff in administering similar programs.
For purposes of paragraph (a)(4) of this section, an applicant may demonstrate its capacity to work effectively as a One-Stop partner through its existing relationships with Local Workforce Investment Boards and other One-Stop partners, as evidenced through One-Stop system participation and successful MOU negotiations.
As part of the evaluation of the applicant's capacity to work effectively as a One-Stop partner under paragraph (a)(4) of this section:
The Grant Officer must determine whether the policies or actions of any Local Board established under the authorty of the alternative entity provision of WIA section 117(i) and 20 CFR 661.330 :
Preclude One-Stop system participation by the applicant or existing NFJP grantee; or
For the prior program year, contributed to a failure to reach agreement on the terms of the MOU required under § 669.220; and
If the Grant Officer's determinations under paragraph (d)(1) of this section are affirmative, then the Grant Officer may consider this fact when weighing the capacity of the competitors.