Each State agency shall operate an outreach program in order to locate and to contact MSFWs who are not being reached by the normal intake activities conducted by the local offices. Upon receipt of planning instructions and resource guidance from ETA, each State agency shall develop an annual outreach plan, setting forth numerical goals, policies and objectives. This plan shall be subject to the approval of the Regional Administrator as part of the program budget plan (PBP) process. Wherever feasible, State agencies shall coordinate their outreach efforts with those of public and private community service agencies and MSFW groups.
In determining the extent of their outreach program, States shall be guided by the following statement of ETA policy:
State agencies should make sufficient penetration in the farmworker community so that a large number of MSFWs are aware of the full range of JS services.
Signficant MSFW Local offices should conduct especially vigorous outreach in their service areas.
State agencies in supply States should conduct particularly thorough outreach efforts with extensive follow-up activities which capitalize on the relatively long duration of MSFW residence in the State.
The plan shall be based on the actual conditions which exist in the particular State, taking into account the State agency's history of providing outreach services, the estimated number of MSFWs in the State, and the need for outreach services in that State. The approval of the Regional Administrator shall be based upon his/her consideration of the following features of the outreach plan:
(1) Assessment of need.
This assessment of need shall include:
A review of the previous year's agricultural activity in the State.
A review of the previous year's MSFW activity in the State.
A projected level of agricultural activity in the State for the coming year.
A projected number of MSFWs in the State for the coming year, which shall take into account data supplied by WIA 167 National Farmworker Jobs Program grantees, other MSFW organizations, employer organizations and federal and/or State agency data sources such as the Department of Agriculture and the United States Employment Service.
A statement of the consideration given to the State Monitor Advocate's recommendation as set forth in the annual summary developed under § 653.108(t).
(2) Assessment of available resources.
This assessment of the resources available for outreach shall include:
The level of funds available from all sources, including the funds specifically made available to the State agency for outreach.
Resources made available through existing cooperative agreements with public and private community service agencies and MSFW groups.
Where fewer resources are available for outreach than in a prior year, a statement of why fewer resources are available.
(3) Proposed outreach activities.
The proposed outreach activities shall be designed to meet the needs determined under paragraph (c)(1) of this section with the available resources determined under paragraph (c)(2) of this section. The plan for the proposed outreach activities shall include:
Numerical goals for the number of MSFWs to contacted during the fiscal year by JS staff. The number of MSFWs planned to be contacted by other agencies under cooperative arrangements during the fiscal year also should be included in the plan. These numerical goals shall be based on the number of MSFWs estimated to be in the State in the coming year, taking into account the varying concentration of MSFWs during the seasons in each geographic area, the range of services needed in each area and the number of JS and/or cooperating agency staff who will conduct outreach.
Numerical goals for the staff years to be utilized for outreach during the fiscal year.
The level of funding to be utilized for outreach during the fiscal year.
The tools which will be used to conduct outreach contacts, including personal contact, printed matter, videotapes, slides, and/or cassette recordings.
The records to be maintained by the JS outreach staff—logs of daily contacts to include the number of MSFWs contacted and assistance provided. The name of the individual contacted should be recorded when:
An application for work is taken by an outreach worker,
A referral to a job is made by an outreach worker, and/or
A complaint is taken by an outreach worker.
In developing the outreach plan, the State agency shall solicit information and suggestions from WIA 167 National Farmworker Jobs Program grantees, other appropriate MSFW groups, public agencies, agricultural employer organizations, and other interested organizations. In addition, at least 45 days before submitting its final outreach plan to the Regional Administrator, the State agency shall provide a proposed plan to WIA 167 National Farmworker Jobs Program grantees, public agencies, agricultural employer organizations, and other organizations expressing an interest and allow at least 30 days for review and comment. The State agency shall:
Consider any comments received in formulating its final proposed plan.
Inform all commenting parties in writing whether their comments have been incorporated and, if not, the reasons therefore.
Transmit the comments and recommendations received and its responses to the Regional Administrator with the submission of the plan. (If the comments are received after the submission of the plan, they may be sent separately to the Regional Administrator.)
The outreach plan shall be submitted as an essential part of the State's annual PBP. The resource requirement of the plan shall be reflected in the PBP budget request. The plan, including the resource requirement, shall be reviewed by the Regional Administrator during the annual PBP approval process. The State agency shall be required to implement the approved outreach plan as part of its compliance with the PBP.
The Regional Administrator shall review and evaluate the outreach plan, including the assessments of needs and resources, in light of the history of the State's outreach efforts and the statements of policy set forth in § 653.107(b). He/she shall approve the plan only if it demonstrates that adequate outreach will be conducted. The approved outreach plan shall be available for review by interested parties.
As part of the annual PBP process, funding of State agencies shall be contingent upon the substantial and timely compliance of the State agency with its prior year outreach plan. However, if the Regional Administrator makes a finding of good faith efforts, he/she may fund a State agency even though it did not achieve substantial and timely compliance.
For purposes of hiring and assigning staff to outreach duties, State agencies shall seek, through merit system procedures, qualified candidates:
Who are from MSFW backgrounds, and/or
Who speak Spanish, and/or
Who are racially or ethnically representative of the MSFWs in the service area.
The five States with the highest estimated year round MSFW activity shall assign, in accordance with State merit staff requirements, full-time, year round staff to outreach duties. The remainder of the significant MSFW states shall make maximum efforts to hire outreach staff with MSFW experience for year round positions and shall assign outreach staff to work full-time during the period of the highest MSFW activity. Such outreach staff shall be bilingual if warranted by the characteristics of the MSFW population in the State, and shall spend a majority of their time in the field. The Regional Administrator may grant approval for a deviation from the requirements of this section if the State agency provides adequate evidence that outreach activities and service delivery to MSFWs would be improved through other staffing arrangements.
For purposes of this subpart, an outreach “contact” shall include either the presentation of information and offer of assistance specified in paragraphs (j)(1) and (j)(2) of this section, or the followup activity specified in paragraph (j)(3) of this section.
Outreach workers shall explain to MSFWs at their working, living or gathering areas, including day-haul sites, by means of written and oral presentations either spontaneous or recorded, in a language readily understood by them, the following;
The services available from the local office, including the availability of referrals to agricultural and nonagricultural employment, to training, to supportive services, as well as the availability of testing, counseling and other job development services;
Types of specific employment opportunities which are currently available in the JS system;
Information on the JS complaint system and other organizations serving MSFWs;
A basic summary of farmworker rights with respect to the terms and conditions of employment;
Provided, however, That outreach workers shall not enter work areas to perform outreach duties described in this section on an employer's property without permission of the employer, unless otherwise authorized to enter by law, shall not enter workers' living areas without the permission of the workers, and shall comply with appropriate State laws regarding access.
After making the presentation, outreach workers shall urge the MSFWs to go to the local office to obtain the full range of JS services. If an MSFW cannot or does not wish to visit the local JS office, the outreach workers shall offer to provide on-site the following:
Assistance in the preparation of applications;
If an unemployed MSFW, assistance in obtaining referral to specific employment opportunities currently available; if an employed MSFW, information regarding the types of employment opportunities which will become available upon the date on which the MSFW indicates that he/she will be available following his/her current employment.
Assistance in the preparation of either JS or non-JS related complaints;
Receipt and subsequent referral of complaints to the local office complaint specialist or local officer manager;
Referral to supportive services for which the individual or a family member may be eligible;
As needed, assistance in making appointments and arranging transportation for individual MSFWs or members of their family to and from local offices or other appropriate agencies.
Outreach workers shall make follow-up contacts as are necessary and appropriate to provide to the maximum extent possible the assistance specified in paragraphs (j)(1) and (j)(2) of this section.
In addition to the foregoing outreach contacts, the State agency shall publicize the availability of JS services through such means as newspaper and electronic media publicity. Contacts with public and priviate community agencies, employers and/or employer organizations, and MSFW groups also shall be utilized to facilitate the widest possible distribution of information concerning JS services.
Outreach workers shall be alert to observe the working and living conditions of MSFWs and, upon observation, or upon receipt of information regarding a suspected violation of federal or State employment-related law, document and refer information to the local office manager for processing in accordance with § 653.113.
Outreach workers shall be trained in local office procedures and in the services, benefits, and protections afforded MSFWs by the JS. They shall also be trained in the procedure for informal resolution of complaints. The program for such training shall be formulated by the State Administrator, pursuant to uniform guidelines developed by ETA, and each State's program shall be reviewed and commented upon in advance by the State MSFW Monitor Advocate.
During months when outreach activities are conducted, outreach workers shall maintain complete records of their contacts with MSFWs and the services they perform in accordance with a format developed by ETA. These records shall include a daily log, a copy of which shall be sent monthly to the local office manager and maintained on file for at least two years. These records shall include the number of contacts and names of contacts (where applicable), the services provided (e.g., whether a complaint was received, whether an application was taken, and whether a referral was made). Outreach workers also shall maintain records of each possible violation or complaint of which they have knowledge, and their actions in ascertaining the facts and referring the matters as provided herein. These records shall include a description of the circumstances and names of any employers who have refused outreach workers access to MSFWs pursuant to § 653.107(l).
During months when outreach activities are conducted, each local office manager shall file with the State MSFW Monitor Advocate a monthly summary report of outreach efforts. These reports shall summarize information collected, pursuant to paragraph (m) of this section. The local office manager and/or other appropriate State office staff members shall assess the performance of outreach workers by examining the overall quality and productivity of their work, including the services provided and the methods and tools used to offer services. Performance shall not be judged solely by the number of contacts made by the worker. The monthly reports and daily outreach logs shall be made available to the State MSFW Monitor Advocate and federal On-Site Review Teams. In addition, the distribution of any special funds for outreach, should funds become available, shall be based on the effectiveness and need of the State's outreach program as monitored by ETA.
Outreach workers shall not engage in political, unionization or antiunionization activities during the performance of their duties.
Outreach workers shall be provided with, carry and display, upon request, identification cards or other material identifying them as employees of the State agency.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1205-0039)
Code of Federal Regulations
(Pub. L. No. 96-511, 94 Stat. 2812 (
44 U.S.C. 3501
et seq.))
Code of Federal Regulations
[45 FR 39459, June 10, 1980, as amended at 47 FR 145, Jan. 5, 1982; 71 FR 35518, June 21, 2006]