645.100—What does this part cover?
Subpart A establishes regulatory provisions that apply to the Welfare-to-Work (WtW) programs conducted at the State and at the local area levels.
Subpart B provides general program requirements applicable to all WtW formula and competitive funds. The provisions of this subpart govern how WtW funds must be spent, who is eligible to participate in the program, allowable activities and their relationship to TANF, Governor's projects for long-term recipients, administrative and fiscal provisions, and program oversight requirements. This subpart also addresses worker protections and the establishment of a State grievance system.
Subpart C sets forth additional administrative standards and procedures for WtW Formula Grants, such as matching requirements and reallotment procedures.
Subpart D sets forth the conditions under which the Governor may request a waiver to designate an alternate administering agency, sets forth the formula elements that must be included in the within-State distribution formula, the submission of a State annual plan, the factors for measuring State performance, and the roles and responsibilities of the States and the local boards or alternate administering agencies.
Subpart E outlines general conditions and requirements for the WtW Competitive Grants.
Subpart F sets forth the administrative appeals process.
Regulatory provisions applicable to the Indian and Native American Welfare-to-Work Program (INA WtW) are found at 20 CFR part 646.