636.6—Complaints and investigations at the Federal level.
(a) General; final determination of reliable and probative evidence.
Where local administrative remedies have been exhausted, section 144(c) of the Act requires that a final determination of the complaint shall be made within 120 days after the Department receives the complaint. The Department's resolution of non-criminal matters pursuant to section 144(c) of the Act consists of the final determination under § 636.8(e) of whether there is reliable and probative evidence to support the allegation or belief that a grantee or subrecipient is failing to comply with the requirements of the Act, regulations, grant or other agreement under the Act.
(b) Complaints.
Every complaint shall be filed in writing before the commencement of any investigation or corrective action shall be required. Complaints alleging discrimination under section 167, will be filed with the Regional Director, Office of Civil Rights (OCR). All other JTPA complaints will be filed with the appropriate Grant Officer. However, a complaint timely filed with either the Grant Officer or the Regional OCR Director shall be deemed properly filed and shall be referred (as necessary) to the appropriate office. The complaint shall be filed only after the grantee level procedures in § 636.3 have been exhausted and no later than 30 days from the date of receipt of the written decision or notice required by § 636.3. The complaint should contain the following:
The full name, telephone number (if any), and address of the person making the complaint.
The full name and address of the respondent (the grantee or subrecipient or person against whom the complaint is made).
A clear and concise statement of the facts, including pertinent dates, constituting the alleged violation.
Where known, the provisions of the Act, regulations, grant or other agreements under the Act believed to have been violated.
A statement disclosing whether proceedings involving the subject of the complaint have been commenced or concluded before any Federal, State or local authority, and, if so, the date of such commencement or conclusion, the name and address of the authority and the style of the case.
A copy of the final decision of the recipient or subrecipient issued pursuant to § 636.3.
A complaint will be considered to have been received upon receipt by the appropriate Grant Officer. To be acceptable, the complaint must be a written statement sufficiently precise to both identify those against whom the allegations are made and to fairly afford the respondent an opportunity to prepare a defense. A complaint may be amended to cure defects or omissions, or to clarify and amplify allegations made therein, and such amendments relate back to the original filing date for purposes of timely filing.
A complaint once filed may be withdrawn only with the consent of the Grant Officer. If the complainant fails to cooperate or is unavailable, the complaint may be dismissed upon reasonable notice to the last known address of the complainant.
(c) Investigation of complaints.
Whenever the Grant Officer receives a complaint filed in accordance with paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, the complaint shall be investigated if it alleges that any person, grantee or subrecipient has failed to comply with the requirements of the Act, regulations, grant or other agreements under the Act. The Grant Officer shall promptly issue a notice to the grantee or subrecipient which shall include a copy or summary of the complaint and which shall direct the grantee or subrecipient to forward a copy of the complete administrative file, including a copy of the certified verbatim transcript of the hearing, within 15 days of receipt of such notice to the Grant Officer. Such investigation shall be completed and a conclusion made pursuant to § 636.8(e) within 120 days of the filing of the complaint, except that the time may be extended with the written consent of all the parties.
(d) Onsite review and other bases for investigation.
If after an onsite review, monitoring visit, review of reports, data or other information, the Grant Officer has reason to believe that a grantee or subrecipient is failing to comply with the requirements of the Act, regulations, grant or other agreements under the Act, the Grant Officer or other designated authority shall inquire into the matter.
(e) Utilizing other services.
With the consent and cooperation of State agencies charged with the administration or enforcement of State laws, the Secretary may elect for the purpose of carrying out this part, to utilize the services of State, local and Tribal agencies and their employees, and notwithstanding any other provision of law, may reimburse, in whole or in part, such State and local agencies and their employees for services rendered for such purposes.
(f) Criminal investigation.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this part, investigation by the Department of any matter concerning a potential Federal criminal violation shall be conducted as the Inspector General shall direct pursuant to the powers granted by the Inspector General Act of 1978, Pub. L. 95-452, 92 Stat. 1101.