633.315—Replacement, corrective action, termination.
The Department may replace any grantee who during the grant period has been terminated by first offering the Governor the opportunity to submit an acceptable application. When such an offer is made and should the Governor decline, within 15 days, or should the Governor or his agent have been the terminated grantee, the Department may replace the grantee by (1) designating another organization or organizations, or (2) opening the area for competitive bidding.
The Department may also require appropriate corrective action as a condition of continued funding of a grantee whose performance has been found deficient, but not sufficient to warrant termination for cause or emergency treatment. Such appropriate corrective actions may include but are not limited to termination of subrecipient agreements, development of and compliance with corrective action plans, etc.
In cases where deficiencies are identified and efforts at corrective action have failed, the Department may apply sanctions, e.g., suspension of Letter of Credit, incremental funding, etc.
Termination for cause can occur whenever there is a violation of the governing rules and regulations, failure to comply with the grant terms and conditions and in such cases as:
Inability to meet Federal standards related to such debt collection requirements as:
Failure to respond to demand letters from DOL for repayment of debts within the stated timeframe;
Failure to comply with approved repayment agreement;
Nonperformance related to such requirements as:
Failure to submit required quarterly financial reports for two successive periods within 30 days after they are due;
Failure to submit required quarterly performance report for two successive periods within 30 days after they are due;
Failure to develop a plan of action to correct deficiencies identified in a final audit finding and determination or by an onsite monitoring review;
Nonperformance related to such requirements as:
Failure to comply with formal corrective action after due notice;
Failure to comply with the requirements of the Act related to a grievance procedure and other requirements;
In addition, the Department, by written notice, may terminate a grant in whole or in part in the event of reduction in the funds available for JTPA title IV, section 402 programs by reason of congressional action, whether by authorization, appropriation, deferral, rescission or otherwise, or by reason of other legislative action, such as changes in service deliverers, program content or services to be provided, which makes it impracticable to continue the agreement under its original terms. In the event of a congressional reduction in funds, the reduction shall be apportioned on an equitable basis among section 402 grantees. In the case of termination pursuant to this provision, the Department shall be liable for payment, in accordance with the payment provisions of this agreement, for services rendered and noncancellable obligations properly incurred prior to the effective date of termination.
Notwithstanding the provisions of part 636 the Department may terminate a grantee under emergency termination procedures in accordance with section 164(f) of the Act.
Instances under which emergency termination can occur include but are not limited to: Final audit findings and determinations identifying numerous adverse findings in the area of financial management; information gathered through onsite monitoring which substantiates serious management, fiscal and/or performance problems; documented information from the Inspector General or gained through incident reports of poor performance, serious administrative problems and/or inability to protect and account for Federal funds.
Within 30 days of written termination notification to a grantee, the Department will secure applicable documents onsite, seize bank accounts relating to the program, arrange for the payment of legitimate bills and debts and arrange, to the degree feasible, for the continued provision of services to program enrollees.