633.303—Allowable costs.
(a) General.
To be allowable, a cost must be necessary and reasonable for proper and efficient administration of the program, be allocable thereto under these principles, and, except as specifically provided herein, not be a general expense required to carry out the overall responsibilities of the recipient.
Unless otherwise indicated below, direct and indirect costs shall be charged in accordance with 41 CFR part 29-70 and OMB Circular A-122.
Funds may be used for construction activities only to:
Provide compensation to participants employed by public or private nonprofit agencies;
Reimburse OJT costs to private-for-profit employers;
Purchase equipment, materials, and supplies for use in the training of such participants; and
Cover costs of a training program in a construction occupation, including costs such as instructors' salaries, training tools, books, and needs-based payments and compensation to participants.
Costs associated with capital improvements (as defined in OMB Circular A-122, attachment B, sections 13 and 22) of existing facilities used primarily for programs under the Act are allowable with prior approval of the Department.
Unemployment compensation costs are allowable for administrative and program staff hired in accordance with the administrative provisions of the regulations, and for participants required by State law to be covered for unemployment compensation purposes.
Costs which are billed as a single unit charge do not have to be allocated or prorated among the several cost categories but may be charged entirely to training when the agreement:
Is for classroom training;
Is fixed unit price; and
Stipulates that full payment for the full unit price will be made only upon completion of training by a participant and placement of the participant into unsubsidized employment in the occupation trained for and at not less than the wage specified in the agreement.
(g) Travel costs.
The cost of participant and staff travel necessary for the operation or administration of programs under the Act is allowable as provided herein.
Travel costs of section 402 administrative staff or members of governing boards of grantee organizations are allowable without the prior approval of the Department if the travel specifically relates to programs under section 402. All other travel to be charged to JTPA section 402 grants shall require the prior approval of the Department. These costs shall be charged to administration.
Travel costs of other grantee officials of multifunded programs changed with overall grantee responsibilities are allowable only if costs specifically relate to programs under section 402.
Travel costs to enable participants to obtain or retain employment, access other services or to participate in programs under this Act are allowable as direct costs but shall be limited to the grantee's jurisdiction or within daily commuting distance, unless part of an approved component of the grantee's program. These costs shall be charged to training-related supportive services.
Travel costs for participants in administrative or programmatic positions using their personal or other forms of transportation in the performance of their jobs are allowable and shall be charged appropriately.
Travel policies of all grantees, subgrantees and contractors shall be generally consistent with those set forth in the Department's Travel and Transportation Manual.
(h) Association membership.
Grantees are permitted to use grant funds to join those associations which provide technical and administrative services in support of section 402 program efforts. The activities of such associations must be designed to contribute to the enhancement of professional and technical program knowledge. No financial assistance in the form of membership dues or other membership-related costs can involve political or lobbying activities.
The cost shall be for a section 402 grantee's membership rather than an individual person's membership.
The cost of a membership shall be reasonably related to the value of the services or benefits received and shall not exceed $850 annually.
Association-related costs shall be incorporated in the grantee's section 402 grant budget, charged to the administrative category, and as such, shall be subject to the overall administrative cost ceiling.
(i) Allowances and reimbursements for board and advisory council members—
(1) General.
A reasonable allowance to members who attend meetings of any board, council, or committee for section 402 program purposes, and reimbursement of actual expenses connected with those meetings, are allowable costs, and may be paid for attendance at no more than six meeting days per grantee per quarter.
(2) Allowances and loss of wages.
Any individual or family member who is a member of a private nonprofit grantee or subgrantee policymaking body or of a public agency grantee or subgrantee farmworker advisory council is eligible to be paid and allowance provided:
such individual's family income does not exceed either 70 percent of the lower living standard income level or the poverty level as established by HHS.
Allowances may not be paid for attendance in excess of ten dollars per meeting, unless approved in advance by the Department.
(3) Reimbursement for expenses.
All board members shall be eligible for receiving reimbursement for actual expenses of travel, meals, and lodging incurred in attending board meetings, or a per diem in lieu of actual expenses.
Any individual or family member where family income does not exceed 70 percent of the lower living standard income level and who is a member of a private nonprofit grantee or subgrantee policymaking body or of a public agency grantee or subgrantee farmworker advisory council shall also be eligible for reimbursement of actual wages lost, if supported by a statement from the employer.
The grantee shall define which expenses may be reimbursed, whether incurred as the result of actual meeting attendances or in performance of other official duties and responsibilities in connection with the program, and shall establish procedures for the reimbursement of such expenses.