633.105—Allocation of funds.
(a) National Account.
Up to 6 percent of the statutory reserves for section 402 activities may be set aside for the National Account to be used for technical assistance and for special projects funded at the discretion of the Department.
Funds from the National Account may be obligated by the Department by means of either contracts or grants to private nonprofit agencies, to private profitmaking organizations, to States and local units of government, or public agencies.
(b) State allocations (allocable funds).
No less than 94 percent of the funds received for section 402 activities shall be allocated for farmworker programs in individual States in an equitable manner using the best data available as to the farmworker population as determined by the Department. The formula used to determine State allocations will be published in the Federal Register for review and comment, along with the rationale for such formula and proposed allocations, no later than 30 days prior to the publication of the final allocations of available funds in the Federal Register.
(2) Allocation exceptions.
The Department reserves the right not to allocate any funds for use in a State whose allocation is less than $120,000.
Those funds not allocated will be available for technical assistance and special projects funded at the discretion of the Department.
Current grantees which are unsuccessful applicants for new grant funds shall be given notice that funds will expire and that a reasonable period will be given to phase out their operations. Such notice will not bind the Department to obligate additional funds. The notification of nonselection shall be the notice of termination of funds and departmental closeout requirements are to be followed.
(3) Allocation adjustment.
In situations where the Department determines that the formula allocation will result in severe disruption of funding levels from one year to the next, a hold harmless or other factor to minimize such disruption may be used.
(4) Funding cycle.
Projects will be funded in accordance with a schedule to be specified by the Department in the Federal Register:
Announcement of State planning estimates and an invitation to submit applications for State(s) or area(s) open for competition as provided in the Solicitation for Grant Application (SGA).
Deadline for submission of Preapplication for Federal Assistance Forms.
Deadline for submission of applications.