A representative payee applicant may not serve if he/she:
Has been convicted of a violation under section 208, 811 or 1632 of the Social Security Act.
Has been convicted of an offense resulting in imprisonment for more than 1 year. However, we may make an exception to this prohibition, if the nature of the conviction is such that selection of the applicant poses no risk to the beneficiary and the exception is in the beneficiary's best interest.
Receives title II, VIII, or XVI benefits through a representative payee.
Previously served as a representative payee and was found by us, or a court of competent jurisdiction, to have misused title II, VIII or XVI benefits. However, if we decide to make an exception to the prohibition, we must evaluate the payee's performance at least every 3 months until we are satisfied that the payee poses no risk to the beneficiary's best interest. Exceptions are made on a case-by-case basis if all of the following are true:
Direct payment of benefits to the beneficiary is not in the beneficiary's best interest.
No suitable alternative payee is available.
Selecting the payee applicant as representative payee would be in the best interest of the beneficiary.
The information we have indicates the applicant is now suitable to serve as a representative payee.
The payee applicant has repaid the misused benefits or has a plan to repay them.
Is a creditor. A creditor is someone who provides you with goods or services for consideration. This restriction does not apply to the creditor who poses no risk to you and whose financial relationship with you presents no substantial conflict of interest, and is any of the following:
A relative living in the same household as you do.
Your legal guardian or legal representative.
A facility that is licensed or certified as a care facility under the law of a State or a political subdivision of a State.
A qualified organization authorized to collect a monthly fee from you for expenses incurred in providing representative payee services for you, under § 416.640a.
An administrator, owner, or employee of the facility in which you live and we are unable to locate an alternative representative payee.
Any other individual we deem appropriate based on a written determination.
Code of Federal Regulations
Example 1:
Sharon applies to be representative payee for Ron who we have determined needs assistance in managing his benefits. Sharon has been renting a room to Ron for several years and assists Ron in handling his other financial obligations, as needed. She charges Ron a reasonable amount of rent. Ron has no other family or friends willing to help manage his benefits or to act as representative payee. Sharon has demonstrated that her interest in and concern for Ron goes beyond her desire to collect the rent each month. In this instance, we may select Sharon as Ron's representative payee because a more suitable payee is not available, she appears to pose no risk to Ron and there is minimal conflict of interest. We will document this decision.
Code of Federal Regulations
Example 2:
In a situation similar to the one above, Ron's landlord indicates that she is applying to be payee only to ensure receipt of her rent. If there is money left after payment of the rent, she will give it directly to Ron to manage on his own. In this situation, we would not select the landlord as Ron's representative payee because of the substantial conflict of interest and lack of interest in his well being.
Code of Federal Regulations
[69 FR 60237, Oct. 7, 2004, as amended at 71 FR 61408, Oct. 18, 2006]