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If you are a qualified individual and have an essential person you may be eligible for increased benefits. You may be a qualified individual and have an essential person only if you received benefits under a State assistance plan approved under title I, X, XIV, or XVI (AABD) of the Act for December 1973. Definitions and rules that apply to qualified individuals and essential persons are discussed in §§ 416.221 through 416.223.
In general, sections 1615(d) and (e) of the Social Security Act (the Act) authorize payment from the general fund for the reasonable and necessary costs of vocational rehabilitation (VR) services provided certain disabled or blind individuals who are eligible for supplemental security income (SSI) benefits, special SSI eligibility status, or federally administered State supplementary payments. In this subpart, such benefits, status, or payments are referred to as disability or blindness benefits (see § 416.2203 ). Subject to the provisions of this subpart, payment may be made for VR services provided an individual during a month(s) for which the individual is eligible for disability or blindness benefits, including the continuation of such benefits under section 1631(a)(6) of the Act, or for which the individual's disability or blindness benefits are suspended (see § 416.2215 ). Paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section describe the cases in which the State VR agencies and alternate participants can be paid for the VR services provided such an individual under this subpart. The purpose of sections 1615(d) and (e) of the Act is to make VR services more readily available to disabled or blind individuals and ensure that savings accrue to the general fund. Payment will be made for VR services provided on behalf of such an individual in cases where—
(a) The furnishing of the VR services results in the individual's completion of a continuous 9-month period of substantial gainful activity (SGA) as specified in §§ 416.2210 through 416.2211; or
(b) The individual continues to receive disability or blindness benefits, even though his or her disability or blindness has ceased, under section 1631(a)(6) of the Act because of his or her continued participation in an approved VR program which we have determined will increase the likelihood that he or she will not return to the disability or blindness rolls (see § 416.2212 ).

Code of Federal Regulations

[68 FR 40124, July 7, 2003]
This subpart describes the rules under which the Commissioner will pay the State VR agencies or alternate participants for VR services. Payment will be provided for VR services provided on behalf of disabled or blind individuals under one or more of the provisions discussed in § 416.2201.
(a) Sections 416.2201 through 416.2203 describe the purpose of these regulations and the meaning of terms we frequently use in them.
(b) Section 416.2204 explains how State VR agencies or alternate participants may participate in the payment program under this subpart.
(c) Section 416.2206 describes the basic qualifications for alternate participants.
(d) Sections 416.2208 through 416.2209 describe the requirements and conditions under which we will pay a State VR agency or alternate participant under this subpart.
(e) Sections 416.2210 through 416.2211 describe when an individual has completed a continuous period of SGA and when VR services will be considered to have contributed to that period.
(f) Section 416.2212 describes when payment will be made to a VR agency or alternate participant because an individual's disability or blindness benefits are continued based on his or her participation in a VR program which we have determined will increase the likelihood that he or she will not return to the disability rolls.
(g) Sections 416.2214 through 416.2215 describe services for which payment will be made.
(h) Section 416.2216 describes the filing deadlines for claims for payment for VR services.
(i) Section 416.2217 describes the payment conditions.
(j) Section 416.2218 describes the applicability of these regulations to alternate participants.
(k) Section 416.2219 describes how we will make payment to State VR agencies or alternate participants for rehabilitation services.
(l) Sections 416.2220 and 416.2221 describe the audits and the prepayment and postpayment validation reviews we will conduct.
(m) Section 416.2222 discusses confidentiality of information and records.
(n) Section 416.2223 provides for the applicability of other Federal laws and regulations.
(o) Section 416.2227 provides for the resolution of disputes.

Code of Federal Regulations

[48 FR 6297, Feb. 10, 1983, as amended at 55 FR 8456, Mar. 8, 1990; 59 FR 11916, Mar. 15, 1994; 62 FR 38456, July 18, 1997; 68 FR 40124, July 7, 2003]
For purposes of this subpart:
Accept the recipient as a client for VR services means that the State VR agency determines that the individual is eligible for VR services and places the individual into an active caseload status for development of an individualized written rehabilitation program.
Act means the Social Security Act, as amended.
Alternate participants means any public or private agencies (except participating State VR agencies (see § 416.2204 )), organizations, institutions, or individuals with whom the Commissioner has entered into an agreement or contract to provide VR services.
Blindness means “blindness” as defined in section 1614(a)(2) of the Act.
Commissioner means the Commissioner of Social Security or the Commissioner's designee.
Disability means “disability” as defined in section 1614(a)(3) of the Act.
Disability or blindness benefits, as defined for this subpart only, refers to regular SSI benefits under section 1611 of the Act (see § 416.202 ), special SSI cash benefits under section 1619(a) of the Act (see § 416.261 ), special SSI eligibility status under section 1619(b) of the Act (see § 416.264 ), and/or a federally administered State supplementary payment under section 1616 of the Act or section 212(b) of Public Law 93-66 (see § 416.2001 ), for which an individual is eligible based on disability or blindness, as appropriate.
Medical recovery for purposes of this subpart is established when a disabled or blind recipient's eligibility ceases for any medical reason (other than death). The determination of medical recovery is made by the Commissioner in deciding a recipient's continuing eligibility for benefits.
Place the recipient into an extended evaluation process means that the State VR agency determines that an extended evaluation of the individual's VR potential is necessary to determine whether the individual is eligible for VR services and places the individual into an extended evaluation status.
SGA means substantial gainful activity performed by an individual as defined in §§ 416.971 through 416.975 of this subpart or § 404.1584 of this chapter.
Special SSI eligibility status refers to the special status described in §§ 416.264 through 416.269 relating to eligibility for Medicaid.
State means any of the 50 States of the United States, the District of Columbia, or the Northern Mariana Islands. It includes the State VR agency.
Vocational rehabilitation services has the meaning assigned to it under title I of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
VR agency means an agency of the State which has been designated by the State to provide vocational rehabilitation services under title I of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
We, us, and our refer to the Social Security Administration (SSA).

Code of Federal Regulations

[48 FR 6297, Feb. 10, 1983, as amended at 55 FR 8456, Mar. 8, 1990; 55 FR 19423, May 9, 1990; 59 FR 1637, Jan. 12, 1994; 59 FR 11916, Mar. 15, 1994; 61 FR 31026, June 19, 1996; 62 FR 38456, July 18, 1997; 68 FR 40125, July 7, 2003]
(a) General. In order to participate in the payment program under this subpart through its VR agency(ies), a State must have a plan which meets the requirements of title I of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. An alternate participant must have a similar plan and otherwise qualify under § 416.2206.
(b) Participation by States. (1) The opportunity to participate through its VR agency(ies) with respect to disabled or blind recipients in the State will be offered first to the State in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section, unless the State has notified us in advance under paragraph (e)(1) of this section of its decision not to participate or to limit such participation.
(2) A State with one or more approved VR agencies may choose to limit participation of those agencies to a certain class(es) of disabled or blind recipients. For example, a State with separate VR agencies for the blind and disabled may choose to limit participation to the VR agency for the blind. In such a case, we would give the State, through its VR agency for the blind, the opportunity to participate with respect to blind recipients in the State in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section. We would arrange for VR services for disabled recipients in the State through an alternate participant(s). A State that chooses to limit participation of its VR agency(ies) must notify us in advance under paragraph (e)(1) of this section of its decision to limit such participation.
(3) If a State chooses to participate by using a State agency other than a VR agency with a plan for VR services approved under title I of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, that State agency may participate only as an alternate participant.
(c) Opportunity for participation through State VR agencies. (1) Unless a State has decided not to participate or to limit participation, we will give the State the opportunity to participate through its VR agency(ies) with respect to disabled or blind recipients in the State by referring such recipients first to the State VR agency(ies) for necessary VR services. A State, through its VR agency(ies), may participate with respect to any recipient so referred by accepting the recipient as a client for VR services or placing the recipient into an extended evaluation process and notifying us under paragraph (c)(2) of this section of such acceptance or placement.
(2) (i) In order for the State to participate with respect to a disabled or blind recipient whom we referred to a State VR agency, the State VR agency must notify the appropriate Regional Commissioner (SSA) in writing or through electronic notification of its decision either to accept the recipient as a client for VR services or to place the recipient into an extended evaluation process. The notice must be received by the appropriate Regional Commissioner (SSA) no later than the close of the fourth month following the month in which we referred the recipient to the State VR agency. If we do not receive such notice with respect to a recipient whom we referred to the State VR agency, we may arrange for VR services for that recipient through an alternate participant.
(ii) In any case in which a State VR agency notifies the appropriate Regional Commissioner (SSA) in writing within the stated time period under paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section of its decision to place the recipient into an extended evaluation process, the State VR agency also must notify that Regional Commissioner in writing upon completion of the evaluation of its decision whether or not to accept the recipient as a client for VR services. If we receive a notice of a decision by the State VR agency to accept the recipient as a client for VR services following the completion of the extended evaluation, the State may continue to participate with respect to such recipient. If we receive a notice of a decision by the State VR agency not to accept the recipient as a client for VR services following the completion of the extended evaluation, we may arrange for VR services for that recipient through an alternate participant.
(d) Opportunity for limited participation through State VR agencies. If a State has decided under paragraph (e)(1) of this section to limit participation of its VR agency(ies) to a certain class(es) of disabled or blind recipients in the State, we will give the State the opportunity to participate with respect to such class(es) of disabled or blind recipients by referring such recipients first to the State VR agency(ies) for necessary VR services. The State, through its VR agency(ies), may participate with respect to any recipient so referred by accepting the recipient as a client for VR services or placing the recipient into an extended evaluation process and notifying us under paragraph (c)(2) of this section of such acceptance or placement.
(e) Decision of a State not to participate or to limit participation. (1) A State may choose not to participate through its VR agency(ies) with respect to any disabled or blind recipients in the State, or it may choose to limit participation of its VR agency(ies) to a certain class(es) of disabled or blind recipients in the State. A State which decides not to participate or to limit participation must provide advance written notice of that decision to the appropriate Regional Commissioner (SSA). Unless a State specifies a later month, a decision not to participate or to limit participation will be effective beginning with the third month following the month in which the notice of the decision is received by the appropriate Regional Commissioner (SSA). The notice of the State decision must be submitted by an official authorized to act for the State for this purpose. A State must provide to the appropriate Regional Commissioner (SSA) an opinion from the State's Attorney General, verifying the authority of the official who sent the notice to act for the State. This opinion will not be necessary if the notice is signed by the Governor of the State.
(2) (i) If a State has decided not to participate through its VR agency(ies), we may arrange for VR services through an alternate participant(s) for disabled or blind recipients in the State.
(ii) If a State has decided to limit participation of its VR agency(ies) to a certain class(es) of disabled or blind recipients, we may arrange for VR services through an alternate participant(s) for the class(es) of disabled or blind recipients in the State excluded from the scope of the State's participation.
(3) A State which has decided not to participate or to limit participation may participate later through its VR agency(ies) in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section, provided that such participation will not conflict with any previous commitment which we may have made to an alternate participant(s) under paragraph (e)(2) of this section. A State which decides to resume participation under paragraph (c) of this section must provide advance written notice of that decision to the appropriate Regional Commissioner (SSA). Unless a commitment to an alternate participant(s) requires otherwise, a decision of a State to resume participation under paragraph (c) of this section will be effective beginning with the third month following the month in which the notice of the decision is received by the appropriate Regional Commissioner (SSA) or, if later, with a month specified by the State. The notice of the State decision must be submitted by an official authorized to act for the State as explained in paragraph (e)(1) of this section.
(f) Use of alternate participants. The Commissioner, by written agreement or contract, may arrange for VR services through an alternate participant(s) for any disabled or blind recipient in the State with respect to whom the State is unwilling to participate through its VR agency(ies). In such a case, we may refer the recipient to such alternate participant for necessary VR services. The Commissioner will find that a State is unwilling to participate with respect to any of the following disabled or blind recipients in that State:
(1) A disabled or blind recipient whom we referred to a State VR agency under paragraph (c) or (d) of this section if we do not receive a notice within the stated time period under paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section of a decision by the VR agency either to accept the recipient as a client for VR services or to place the recipient into an extended evaluation process;
(2) A disabled or blind recipient with respect to whom we receive a notice under paragraph (c)(2)(ii) of this section of a decision by the VR agency not to accept the recipient as a client for VR services following the completion of the extended evaluation;
(3) The class(es) of disabled or blind recipients excluded from the scope of the State's participation if the State has decided to limit participation of its VR agency(ies); and
(4) All disabled or blind recipients in the State if the State has decided not to participate through its VR agency(ies).

Code of Federal Regulations

[59 FR 11917, Mar. 15, 1994]
(a) General. We may arrange for VR services through an alternate participant by written agreement or contract as explained in § 416.2204(f). An alternate participant may be a public or private agency, organization, institution or individual (that is, any entity whether for-profit or not-for-profit), other than a State VR agency.
(1) An alternate participant must—
(i) Be licensed, certified, accredited, or registered, as appropriate, to provide VR services in the State in which it provides services; and
(ii) Under the terms of the written contract or agreement, have a plan similar to the State plan described in § 416.2204(a) which shall govern the provision of VR services to individuals.
(2) We will not use as an alternate participant any agency, organization, institution, or individual—
(i) Whose license, accreditation, certification, or registration is suspended or revoked for reasons concerning professional competence or conduct or financial integrity;
(ii) Who has surrendered such license, accreditation, certification, or registration pending a final determination of a formal disciplinary proceeding; or
(iii) Who is precluded from Federal procurement or nonprocurement programs.
(b) Standards for the provision of VR services. An alternate participant's plan must provide, among other things, that the provision of VR services to individuals will meet certain minimum standards, including, but not limited to, the following:
(1) All medical and related health services furnished will be prescribed by, or provided under the formal supervision of, persons licensed to prescribe or supervise the provision of these services in the State;
(2) Only qualified personnel and rehabilitation facilities will be used to furnish VR services; and
(3) No personnel or rehabilitation facility described in paragraph (a)(2)(i), (ii), or (iii) of this section will be used to provide VR services.

Code of Federal Regulations

[59 FR 11918, Mar. 15, 1994]
(a) The State VR agency or alternate participant must file a claim for payment in each individual case within the time periods specified in § 416.2216 ;
(b) The claim for payment must be in a form prescribed by us and contain the following information:
(1) A description of each service provided;
(2) When the service was provided; and
(3) The cost of the service;
(c) The VR services for which payment is being requested must have been provided during the period specified in § 416.2215 ;
(d) The VR services for which payment is being requested must have been provided under a State plan for VR services approved under title I of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, or, in the case of an alternate participant, under a negotiated plan, and must be services that are described in § 416.2214 ;
(e) The individual must meet one of the VR payment provisions specified in § 416.2201 ;
(f) The State VR agency or alternate participant must maintain, and provide as we may require, adequate documentation of all services and costs for all disabled or blind recipients with respect to whom a State VR agency or alternate participant could potentially request payment for services and costs under this subpart; and
(g) The amount to be paid must be reasonable and necessary and be in compliance with the cost guidelines specified in § 416.2217.

Code of Federal Regulations

[48 FR 6297, Feb. 10, 1983, as amended at 55 FR 8456, Mar. 8, 1990; 59 FR 11918, Mar. 15, 1994]
The Commissioner will decide:
(a) Whether a continuous period of 9 months of SGA has been completed;
(b) Whether a disability or blindness recipient whose disability or blindness has ceased should continue to receive benefits under section 1631(a)(6) of the Social Security Act for a month after October 1984 or, in the case of a blindness recipient, for a month after March 1988, based on his or her continued participation in a VR program;
(c) If and when medical recovery has occurred;
(d) Whether documentation of VR services and expenditures is adequate;
(e) If payment is to be based on completion of a continuous 9-month period of SGA, whether the VR services contributed to the continuous period of SGA;
(f) Whether a VR service is a service described in § 416.2214; and
(g) What VR costs were reasonable and necessary and will be paid.

Code of Federal Regulations

[55 FR 8456, Mar. 8, 1990, as amended at 59 FR 11918, Mar. 15, 1994; 61 FR 31026, June 19, 1996; 68 FR 40125, July 7, 2003]
(a) General. The State or alternate participant shall permit us and the Comptroller General of the United States (including duly authorized representatives) access to and the right to examine records relating to the services and costs for which payment was requested or made under these regulations. These records shall be retained by the State or alternate participant for the periods of time specified for retention of records in the Federal Procurement Regulations ( 41 CFR parts 1-20 ).
(b) Audit basis. Auditing will be based on cost principles and written guidelines in effect at the time services were provided and costs were incurred. The State VR agency or alternate participant will be informed and given a full explanation of any questioned items. They will be given a reasonable time to explain questioned items. Any explanation furnished by the State VR agency or alternate participant will be given full consideration before a final determination is made on questioned items in the audit report.
(c) Appeal of audit determinations. The appropriate SSA Regional Commissioner will notify the State VR agency or alternate participant in writing of his or her final determination on the audit report. If the State VR agency (see § 416.2218(b) for alternate participants) disagrees with that determination, it may request reconsideration in writing within 60 days after receiving the Regional Commissioner's notice of the determination. The Commissioner will make a determination and notify the State VR agency of that decision in writing, usually, no later than 45 days from the date of the appeal. The decision by the Commissioner will be final and conclusive unless the State VR agency appeals that decision in writing in accordance with 45 CFR part 16 to the Department of Health and Human Services' Departmental Appeals Board within 30 days after receiving it.

Code of Federal Regulations

[48 FR 6297, Feb. 10, 1983, as amended at 55 FR 8458, Mar. 8, 1990; 62 FR 38456, July 18, 1997]