405.427—Procedures before the Decision Review Board in claims dismissed by an administrative law judge.
If you are dissatisfied with the administrative law judge's action on your request to vacate a dismissal under § 405.382 of this part, you may request that the Board vacate it. The Board will not consider your request to vacate a dismissal until the administrative law judge has ruled on your request. Your request to the Decision Review Board must be in writing and must be filed within 60 days after the date you receive the notice of the administrative law judge's action under § 405.382 of this part.
When you request the Board to review the administrative law judge's dismissal of your claim, you may submit additional evidence, but the Board will accept only evidence that is relevant to the dismissal issue. All other evidence will be returned to you.
If you request the Board to vacate the administrative law judge's dismissal of your request for a hearing, you may submit a written statement with the Board at the time that you ask the Board to vacate the dismissal order. The written statement may be no more than 2,000 words, and, if it is typed, the typeface must be 12 point font or larger. The written statement should briefly explain why you agree or disagree with the administrative law judge's decision and should cite to the relevant facts in the record and applicable law.
If you file a written statement with the Board after you request it to vacate the dismissal, the Board will not consider your written statement and will return it to you without placing it in the record.
If you request the Board to vacate the administrative law judge's dismissal of your request for a hearing, the Board will take one of the following actions:
Vacate the administrative law judge's dismissal order. If the Board issues an order vacating the administrative law judge's dismissal order, it will remand the claim to the administrative law judge for further proceedings consistent with the Board's order, or
Decline to vacate the dismissal order.